Curate projects

Last update: 2024-08-21
  • Created for:
  • User

Curation lets you limit the components (dimensions, metrics, filters, date ranges) before sharing a project. When a recipient opens the project, they will see a limited set of components that you have curated for them. Curation is an optional but recommended step before sharing a project.


Product profiles are the primary mechanism governing which components a user can see. They are managed through the Adobe Experience Cloud Admin Console. Curation is a secondary filter.

Apply project curation

  1. Click Share > Curate Project Data.
    The components that are used in the project will automatically be added.
  2. (Optional) To add more components, drag components you want to share from the left panel to the Curate Components field.
  3. Click Done.

Curation can also be applied from the Share menu by clicking Curate and Share. This option automatically curates the project to the components in use in the project. You can add additional components following the steps above.

The Curate Components window showing the components in use in the project.

Curated project view

When a recipient opens a curated project, they will only see the curated set of components you have defined:

A shared curated project showing components you defined.

Remove project curation

To remove project curation and restore the full set of components in the left panel:

  1. Click Share > Curate Project Data.
  2. Click Remove Curation.
  3. Click Done.

Component curation options

In a curated project, the recipient will be presented with the option to Show All components in the left panel. Show All reveals different sets of components, depending on:

  • The user’s permission level (admin or non-admin)
  • Project role (owner/editor or not)
  • Type of curation applied (at the project level)
Curation type Admin can see Non-admin project owner (or edit role) can see Non-admin duplicate role can see
Components “hidden” from a data view All data view components available for reporting (hidden components require clicking “Show all”) Not available for reporting Not available for reporting
Components added or removed from a data view Only components added to the data view (hidden or not hidden). Admins cannot report on fields or components that are not defined by the data view. Only components added to the data view, or components owned by or shared with the user. Hidden components are not available (like Virtual report suite curation). Only components added to the DV, are not hidden and have been included in the Project curation.
Curated components in a Project All data view components available for reporting (hidden components require clicking “Show all”) All non-hidden data view components (requires clicking “show all”) Only curated components, plus any components owned or shared with the user
Curated Project using a data view with hidden components All data components available for reporting (hidden and non-curated components require clicking “Show all”) All non-curated project components, all non-hidden data view components, and any components owned by or shared with the user Only curated components, plus any components owned by or shared with the user

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