View forecasts in Analysis Workspace

Last update: 2024-03-13
  • Created for:
  • User

You can view forecasts in a freeform table or in a line chart.

View forecasts in a table

You can view forecasts in a time-series freeform table. When Show forecast is enabled for Freeform table in user preferences, forecasting is automatically shown for the first metric column added to the table. For any additional column:

  1. Select the column settings icon Column settings in the column header, then ensure that Show forecast is selected in the list of options. For more information, see Column settings.

  2. Click outside the Column settings menu to save the setting and view the updated table.

Forecasts are shown in the table as follows:

Show forecast in table

  • The forecast value and percentage for each cell are displayed in dark grey.
  • To indicate a forecast value, a forecast symbol Forecast symbol is displayed in the upper-right corner of the cell.

View forecasts in a line chart

A line chart is the only visualization that allows you to view forecasts.

  1. Select the settings icon Column settings in the visualization header, then ensure that Show forecast is selected in the list of options.

  2. (optional) To allow the forecasts to scale the chart properly, select Allow forecast to scale Y-axis. This option is not selected by default because it can sometimes render a less legible chart.

  3. Click outside the Settings menu to view the updated line chart.

Forecasts are show in the line chart as follows:

Show forecast in line chart

  • The current values for the metrics in the line chart are indicated by a vertical bar. If you hover over that vertical line, a popup is displayed with the last current date.
  • Forecasted values for one or more metrics are displayed right from the vertical bar using dotted lines. You can hover over any data point for a metric. This will show a popup with:
    • date of the forecast
    • forecasted value for the metric
    • upper bound of forecasted value for the metric
    • lower bound of forecasted value for the metric
  • The shaded area shows the confidence band of the forecast.

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