Analysis Workspace overview

Last update: 2024-10-23
  • Created for:
  • User

Analysis Workspace allows you to build analyses quickly to gather insights and then share those insights with others. Using the drag-and-drop browser interface, you can craft your analysis, add visualizations to bring data to life, curate a dataset, and share and schedule projects with anyone you choose.

 View a video showing the possibilities of Analytics Workspace.

This video demonstrates the functionality using Adobe Analytics. However, the functionality is similarly available in Customer Journey Analytics. Be aware of the following differences in terminlogy.

Adobe Analytics Customer Journey Analytics
Segments Filters
Visitor Person
Visit Session
Hit Event


The following image and accompanying table explain the main elements in the Analysis Workspace user interface:

Analysis Workspace window highlighting the far left and left panel, the canvas, and data view drop-down menu.

Location Name and function
🅐 Contains the name of the project, a menu structure to access functionality, a button ChevronLeft to return back to your Project list, and a Share button to share your Workspace project.
Select the name of your project (for example: New project) at any time to change the name.
Select StarOutline to mark your project as a favorite project Star.
🅑 Button panel: Contains buttons for accessing the key features of Analysis Workspace:
🅒 Left panel: This area contains individual panels, visualizations, components, or lists. The content depends on the button selected in the button panel.
🅓 Canvas: The main area where you drag content from the left panel to build your project. The project dynamically updates as you add panels, add visualizations to panels, and add components to visualizations. You can create multiple panels, and within each panel you can create multiple visualizations.
Each panel is based on a selected data view. The selected data view determines available components like metrics and dimensions. See Panels - Data view for more information.


The key features of Analysis Workspace are available through the button panel:

Icon Feature Description
WebPage Panels Panels are used to organize your analysis within a project and can contain many tables & visualizations. Many of the panels provided in Analysis Workspace generate a full set of analyses based on a few user inputs.
Guided Analysis Guided Analysis Guided analysis allows you to self-serve high quality data and insights about the customer journey through guided workflows. You can create an analysis for inclusion in your Workspace project, or include an existing analysis previously saved.
GraphBarVertical Visualizations Visualizations, such as a bar or line chart, can be used to bring data visually to life. On the far left panel, select the middle Visualizations icon to see the full list of visualizations available.
Curate Components Components include the following elements:
ViewList Table of contents The table of contents organizes all panels and visualizations included in the project into a collapsible list, allowing you to access a specific panel or visualization quickly.
Bookmark Data dictionary The Data dictionary helps both users and administrators keep track of and better understand the components in their Analytics environment.

Most of the functionality of Analysis Workspace is available through drag and drop, and trough context menus within panels, visualizations and components.

Functionality is also available through the Workspace menu and shortcuts or hotkeys. Shortcut keys differ depending on the operating system that your browser is running on. See the tables below for an overview.

Note that on your keyboard the following symbols might be used:

  • for shift.
  • for cmd (command).
  • for ctrl (control).
  • for opt (option).
  • for alt (alternate).

See the tables below for an overview of the available menus.

Project Shortcut Mac Shortcut Windows Description
Create project shift+cmd+p shift+ctrl+p Create a new project.
Create a mobile scorecard Create a new mobile scorecard.
Open… cmd+o ctrl+o Open an existing project.
Open previous version… opt+cmd+o alt+ctrl+o Open earlier versions of your project.
Save cmd+s ctrl+s Save your project.
Save with notes… opt+cmd+s alt+ctrl+s Add notes to the project version that you save.
Save as… shift+cmd+s shift+ctrl+s Save the project using a different name and details.
Refresh project opt+r alt+r Refresh the project.
Download CSV shift+cmd+v shift+ctrl+v Download the project as a CSV file.
Download PDF shift+cmd+b shift+ctrl+b Download the project as a PDF document.
Project info & settings Define settings for your projects, such as name, tags, color palette, and more.
User settings Configure preferences for using Analysis Workspace.
Edit Shortcut Mac Shortcut Windows Description
Undo cmd+z ctrl+z Undo the previous action.
Redo cmd+shift+z ctrl+shift+z Redo the previous action.
Clear all opt+w alt+w Clear all panels in the current project.
Insert Shortcut Mac Shortcut Windows Description
Blank panel opt+b alt+b Insert a Blank panel.
Media concurrent viewers opt+h alt-h Insert a Media concurrent viewers panel.
Media playback time spent opt+i alt+i Insert a Media playback time spent panel.
Media average minute audience opt+m alt+m Insert a Media average minute audience panel.
Attribution opt+e alt+e Insert an Attribution panel.
Freeform opt+a alt+a Insert a Freeform panel.
Quick insights opt+j alt+j Insert a Quick insights panel.
Experimentation opt+x alt+x Insert an Experimentation panel.
Freeform table opt+1 alt+1 Insert a Freeform table visualization.
Line opt+2 alt+2 Insert a Line visualization.
Bar opt+3 alt+3 Insert a Bar visualization.
Combo opt+4 alt+4 Insert a Combo visualization.
Components Shortcut Mac Shortcut Windows Description
Create filter… shift+cmd+e shift+ctrl+e Create a new filter.
Create metric… shift+cmd+c shift+ctrl+c Create a new calculated metric.
Create date range… shift+cmd+d shift+ctrl+d Create a new date range.
Create annotation… shift+cmd+o shift+ctrl+o Create a new annotation.
Create audience… shift+cmd+u shift+ctrl+u Create a new audience.
Refewsh components opt+shift+r alt+shift+r Refresh the components in the project.
Share Shortcut Mac Shortcut Windows Description
Share with Workspace users cmd+h ctrl+h Share the project with other Workspace users.
Share with anyone opt+l alt+l Share a read-only version of the project with anyone.
Send file opt+s alt+s Send the project as a CSV or PDF file to other recipients.
Schedule file export shift+opt+s shift+alt+s Send the project on a schedule as a CSV or PDF file to other recipients.
Curate project data shift+cmd+g shift+ctrl+g Curate the project data.
Help Shortcut Mac Shortcut Windows Description
Videos Open the Customer Journey Analytics YouTube channel in a new browser tab.
Help documentation Open the documentation (you are actually reading just now…) in a new browser tab.
Help forum Open the Adobe Analytics Experience League communities forum in a new browser tab.
Hotkeys Show an overview of the hotkeys (shortcuts) you can use in Workspace.
Enable debugger Enable the debugger. Your project will reload.
Disable debugger Disable the debugger. Your project will reload.
Performance Show a dialog displaying metrics on the Analysis Workspace performance. Use Download as CSV to download a CSV file of the performance metrics.
About Workspace Show an About Analysis Workspace dialog with version information, feature access levels and active feature flags.

Data sources

You synchronize visualizations to control which data table or data source corresponds to a visualization. See manage data sources for more information.

Use Analysis Workspace

To start using Analysis Workspace:

  1. Log in to Adobe Experience Cloud.
  2. Select Customer Journey Analytics from the app switcher App at the top right of the interface.
  3. The Projects page of Analysis Workspace is shown by default. If a specific project has been selected for you or you have been working on recently, then that project is shown by default.

Create a project

An analysis in Analysis Workspace is referred to as a project.

You can create a project in Analysis Workspace as described in Create projects.

Projects can be organized into folders and subfolders, as described in Folders in Analysis Workspace.

Save and share a project

As you create an analysis in Analysis Workspace, your work is automatically saved.

When you finish building out the project and it’s gathering actionable insights, others might want to consume the project. You can share the project with users and groups in your organization, or even with people outside your organization. For information about sharing a project, see Share projects.

Additional resources

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