Blank panel

Last update: 2025-01-20
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This article documents the Blank panel in CustomerJourneyAnalytics Customer Journey Analytics.
See Blank panel for the AdobeAnalytics Adobe Analytics version of this article.

A Blank panel shows a selection of panels (indicated by WebPage) or visualizations that you can create to build a completely customized analysis.


To use an Blank panel:

  1. Create an Blank panel. For information about how to create a panel, see Create a panel.

    Create a panel

  2. Select a visualization or panel from the options available.

    • When you select a panel, the blank panel transitions to the selected panel.
    • When you select a visualization, the visualization is added to the blank panel.

    For example, select a visualization (like ViewList Cohort table) to add to the panel, or select a panel (like WebPage Attribution) to modify the panel to an attibution panel.

You can:

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