Next or previous item panel

Last update: 2024-11-07
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  • Panels
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  • Created for:
  • User

The Next or previous item panel contains a number of tables and visualizations to identify the next or previous dimension item for a specific dimension. For example, you might want to explore which pages customers went to most often after they visited the Home page.


To use a Next or previous item panel:

  1. Create a Next or previous item panel. For information about how to create a panel, see Create a panel.

  2. Specify the input for the panel.

  3. Observe the output for the panel.

Panel input

You can configure the Next or previous item panel using these input settings:

Next or previous item panel

Input Description
Dimension Select the dimension for which you want to explore next or previous items.
Dimension item Select the specific dimension item at the center of your next / previous inquiry.
Direction Specify whether you are looking for the Next or the Previous dimension item.
Container Select the container, Session or Person (default), to determine the scope of your inquiry.

Select Build to build the panel.

Panel output

The Next or previous item panel returns a rich set of data and visualizations to help you better understand what occurrences follow or precede specific dimension items.

Next/Previous panel output

Visualization Description
Horizontal bar Lists the next (or previous) items based on the dimension item that you select. Hovering over an individual bar highlights the corresponding item in the Freeform table.
Summary number High-level summary number of all next or previous dimension item occurrences for the current month (so far.)
Freeform table Lists the next (or previous) items based on the dimension item that you select, in a table format. For example, which were the most popular pages (by occurrences) that people went to after (or before) the home page or the workspace page.

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