Compare terminology for Analytics data passed through the Analytics source connector

Last update: 2024-03-08
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Some terminology differences exist between Adobe Analytics, Data Feeds, Analytics source connector/Data Lake, and Customer Journey Analytics. This topic aims to highlight and clarify those differences.

Related Terms Adobe Analytics Adobe Analytics Data Feeds Analytics source connector/Data Lake Customer Journey Analytics Notes
  • Hits
  • Occurrences
  • Records
  • Events
Occurrences metric

Count of rows (records) in the data feed file Count of rows (records) in the dataset

Events metric
  • Unique Visitors
  • Unique Devices
  • Unique Cookies
Unique Visitors metric

Distinct values of post_visid_high & post_visid_low concatenated together.

Count distinct of People metric, if is chosen as the Person ID.
  • A “person” in Adobe Analytics is usually associated with a “device identifier” such as a cookie. AAID is the primary device identifier in Adobe Analytics, not ECID. See also AAID, ECID, AACUSTOMID and the Analytics source connector.
  • “Visitor” is not an out-of-the-box metric in Customer Journey Analytics. But if you choose as the Person ID, the People metric in Customer Journey Analytics is roughly equivalent to Unique Visitors in Adobe Analytics.
  • People
People metric

Not available Count distinct of <path>.stitchedId (available in stitched datasets only) People metric
  • The People metric in Customer Journey Analytics is the count distinct of Person IDs. Depending on what you choose as the Person ID in the Customer Journey Analytics connection, the People metric can mean different things.
  • Visits
  • Sessions
Visits metric

Distinct values of post_visid_high, post_visid_low, visit_num & visit_start_time_gmt concatenated together.

Not available Sessions metric
  • Event deduplication
  • Metric deduplication
See: The post_events_list column contains deduplicated event metrics.

Not available See:
  • Event/metric de-duplication in Adobe Analytics differs slightly from Customer Journey Analytics. In Adobe Analytics, deduplication occurs at data processing time. In Customer Journey Analytics, deduplication occurs at report runtime, providing more flexibility. Deduplicated metrics may differ slightly in Adobe Analytics vs Customer Journey Analytics.
  • Instances metrics
See: Count of times a “pre” variable is not null (e.g. eVar1). Count of times a “mid” variable is not null (e.g.
You can create Instances metrics by creating metrics from eVar fields.
  • Instances is normally associated with prop and eVar columns as a means to determine how many times the variable has been set.

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