Product profiles for Adobe Analytics

Last update: 2024-01-26
  • Created for:
  • Admin

Product profiles are permission presets that product admins can assign to users within an organization. If you create a product profile and assign an Experience Cloud user to that product profile, they inherit the permission items contained in the product profile.

For general information about product profiles, including creating product profiles and assigning users, see Manage product profiles for enterprise users in the Enterprise user guide.

Product profile admins

Product profile admins are an optional group that can add or remove users to that product profile. Note that a product profile admin is not the same as a product admin:

  • Product profile admins do not have full access to Adobe Analytics. Full access to Adobe Analytics is reserved for product admins.
  • Product profile admins cannot adjust permissions items in their product profile.
  • Product profile admins can assign or remove product profiles to user groups.
  • Product profile admins are ideal for team leads or managers who need to grant and manage access to Adobe Analytics for their team. Individuals would not need to bother system admins or product admins to grant access to Adobe Analytics.

For information about how to assign product profile admins, see the “Manage product profile admins” section in the article, Manage product profiles for enterprise users in the Enterprise user guide.

Adobe Analytics permission items

The minimum required permissions in a product profile to access Adobe Analytics are the following:

  • The product profile must have access to at least one report suite
  • The product profile must belong to the Analytics Tools permission item Analysis Workspace Access.

Report Suites

Grants access to report suites that belong to your Analytics organization. A user must belong to at least one report suite to be given access to use Adobe Analytics.


Grants access to metrics in your report suite. Metrics are listed as their respective component in Analysis Workspace.

Custom metrics are labeled ‘Custom Event 1-1000’ to keep them independent of report suites. If ‘Custom Event 1’ is an enabled permission item, that user has access to event1 in all report suites in the product profile.


Grants access to dimensions in your report suite. Dimensions are listed as their respective component in Analysis Workspace.

Custom variables, such as eVars, are labeled ‘Custom Conversion 1-250’ to keep them independent of report suites. If ‘Custom Conversion 1’ is an enabled permission item, that user has access to eVar1 in all report suites in the product profile.

Report Suite Tools

Report suite tools permission items grant access to features that are specific to the report suites the user has access to. See Report Suite Tools for a full list of permission items and descriptions.

Analytics Tools

Analytics tools permission items grant access to features that are independent of report suite settings. See Product profile permissions for Analytics Tools for a full list of permission items and descriptions.

Product profile developers

Developers are similar to users, except they are granted the ability to use the Experience Cloud API on Adobe Developers. See Manage Developers in the Enterprise user guide for more information. If a user is granted Developer Access for any profile, they may access the Dev Console ( and edit Adobe Analytics integrations. The Analytics API calls and responses authorized for the user will be dependent on the net permissions of all profiles in which that user has Developer Access.

For example, with profile permissions including all metrics, all dimensions, and one report suite, a Developer Access member of the profile could make API calls relevant to any component within the relevant suite. With Anomaly Detection added, the reports could include fuller responses, adding in the anomaly data. As a rule of thumb, if a profile grants access to a scenario within the Adobe Analytics interface, then Developer Access on a similarly-defined profile would enable corresponding API calls and responses.

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