Flow overview

Last update: 2025-02-03
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  • User

This article documents the Flow visualization in AdobeAnalytics Adobe Analytics.
See Flow for the CustomerJourneyAnalytics Customer Journey Analytics version of this article.

The flow feature shows customer paths through your websites and apps.

It lets you:

  • Visualize the customer journey through your website or application
  • Analyze where customers go before and after specified checkpoints, such as entry, a specific dimension, or exit
  • Create segments by designating a specific point in a chosen path

See VideoCheckedOut Flow visualization for a demo video.

Inter-Dimensional Flows

You can show the flow between dimensions. For example, you might combine pages and departments in one diagram. In this case, your flow might go from the home page, to the Mens page, then to the Shoes department.

Each column could show a different dimension. Drag a dimension and drop in a drop zone to add that dimension to the diagram.

Additional functionality

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