Approve calculated metrics

Last update: 2023-09-14
  • Created for:
  • User

In the Calculated metrics manager, administrators can set up a workflow that includes approving metrics for various levels of application and for specific departments or groups.


Administrators can also approve calculated metrics (and other components) from the Data Dictionary, as described in Edit component entries in the Data Dictionary.

Any calculated metrics that are approved in the Data Dictionary are reflected in the Calculated metrics manager. Similarly, metrics that are approved in the Calculated metrics manager are reflected in the Data Dictionary.

To mark calculated metrics as approved:

  1. In Adobe Analytics, select Components > Calculated metrics.

  2. In the Calculated metrics manager, select the checkbox to the left of any metrics that you want to mark as approved.

  3. Select Approve in the management task at the top of the page.

    To remove a metric from the list of approved metrics, select Unapprove.

  4. (Optional) Share the metric with other users in your organization, as described in Share calculated metrics.

  5. Select OK.

    Notice the approval icon next to the calculated metric in the list:

  6. (Optional) To filter the list of calculated metrics in the Calculated metrics manager to show only approved metrics, select the Filter icon, expand Other filters, then select Approved.

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