Advanced functions

Last update: 2025-01-16
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The Calculated metrics builder lets you apply statistical and mathematical functions. This article documents alphabetical list of the advanced functions and their definitions.

Access these functions by selecting Show all below Effect Functions list in the Components panel. Scroll down to see the list of Advanced functions.

Table functions versus row functions

A table function is one where the output is the same for every row of the table. A row function is one where the output is different for every row of the table.

Where applicable and relevant, a function is annotated with the type of function: Table or Row

What does the include-zeros parameter mean?

It tells whether to include zeros in the computation. Sometimes zero means nothing, but sometimes it’s important.

For example, if you have a Revenue metric, and then add a Page Views metric to the report, there are suddenly more rows for your revenue, which are all zero. You probably don’t want that additional metric to affect any MEAN, ROW MINIMUM, QUARTILE, and more calculations that you have in the revenue column. In this case, you would check the include-zeros parameter.

An alternative scenario is that you have two metrics of interest and one has a higher average or minimum because some of the rows are zeros. In that case, you can opt not to check the parameter to include zeros.


Effect AND(logical_test)

Conjunction. Not equal to zero is considered to be true and equals zero is considered to be false. The output is either a 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Argument Description
logical_test Requires at least one parameter, but can take any number of parameters. Any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE

Approximate Count Distinct


Returns the approximated distinct count of dimension items for the selected dimension.

Argument Description
dimension The dimension for which you want to calculate the approximated distinct item count


A common use case for this function is when you want to get an approximate number of customers.

Arc Cosine

Effect ARC COSINE(metric)

Row Returns the arccosine, or inverse of the cosine, of a metric. The arccosine is the angle whose cosine is number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range 0 (zero) to pi. If you want to convert the result from radians to degrees, multiply it by 180/PI().

Argument Description
metric The cosine of the angle you want from -1 to 1

Arc Sine

Effect ARC SINE(metric)

Row Returns the arcsine, or inverse sine, of a number. The arcsine is the angle whose sine is a number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2. To express the arcsine in degrees, multiply the result by 180/PI().

Argument Description
metric The sine of the angle you want from -1 to 1

Arc Tangent

Effect ARC TANGENT(metric)

Row Returns the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of a number. The arctangent is the angle whose tangent is a number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2. To express the arctangent in degrees, multiply the result by 180/PI().

Argument Description
metric The tangent of the angle you want from -1 to 1


Effect CDF-T(metric, number)

Returns the probability that a random variable with student-t distribution with n degrees of freedom have a z-score less than col.

Argument Description
metric The metric for which you would like the Cumulative Distribution Function of the student t-distribution
number The degrees of freedom for the Cumulative Distribution Function of the student t-distribution


CDF-T(-∞, n) = 0
CDF-T(∞, n) = 1
CDF-T(3, 5) ? 0.99865
CDF-T(-2, 7) ? 0.0227501
CDF-T(x, ∞) ? cdf_z(x)


Effect CDF-Z(metric, number)

Returns the probability that a random variable with a normal distribution has a z-score less than col.

Argument Description
metric The metric for which you would like the Cumulative Distribution Function of the Standard Normal Distribution


CDF-Z(-∞) = 0
CDF-Z(∞) = 1
CDF-Z(0) = 0.5
CDF-Z(2) ? 0.97725
CDF-Z(-3) ? 0.0013499


Effect CEILING(metric)

Row Returns the smallest integer not less than a given value. For example, if you want to avoid reporting currency decimals for revenue and a product has $569.34, use the formula CEILING(Revenue) to round revenue up to the nearest dollar, or $570.

Argument Description
metric The metric that you want to round


Effect CONFIDENCE(normalizing-container, success-metric, control, significance-treshold)

Calculate the any-time-valid confidence using the WASKR method as described in Time-uniform central limit theory and asymptotic confidence sequences.

Confidence is a probabilistic measure of how much evidence there is that a given variant is the same as the control variant. A higher confidence indicates less evidence for the assumption that control and non-control variant have equal performance.

Argument Description
normalizing-container The basis (People, Sessions, or Events) on which a test is run.
success-metric The metric or metrics that a user is comparing variants with.
control The variant that all other variants in the experiment are being compared with. Enter the name of the control variant dimension item.
significance-threshold The threshold in this function is set to a default of 95%.

Confidence (Lower)

Effect CONFIDENCE(normalizing-container, success-metric, control, significance-treshold)

Calculate the any-time-valid confidence lower using the WASKR method as described in Time-uniform central limit theory and asymptotic confidence sequences.

Confidence is a probabilistic measure of how much evidence there is that a given variant is the same as the control variant. A higher confidence indicates less evidence for the assumption that control and non-control variant have equal performance.

Argument Description
normalizing-container The basis (People, Sessions, or Events) on which a test is run.
success-metric The metric or metrics that a user is comparing variants with.
control The variant that all other variants in the experiment are being compared with. Enter the name of the control variant dimension item.
significance-threshold The threshold in this function is set to a default of 95%.

Confidence (Upper)

Effect CONFIDENCE(normalizing-container, success-metric, control, significance-treshold)

Calculate the any-time-valid confidence upper using the WASKR method as described in Time-uniform central limit theory and asymptotic confidence sequences.

Confidence is a probabilistic measure of how much evidence there is that a given variant is the same as the control variant. A higher confidence indicates less evidence for the assumption that control and non-control variant have equal performance.

Argument Description
normalizing-container The basis (People, Sessions, or Events) on which a test is run.
success-metric The metric or metrics that a user is comparing variants with.
control The variant that all other variants in the experiment are being compared with. Enter the name of the control variant dimension item.
significance-threshold The threshold in this function is set to a default of 95%.


Effect COSINE(metric)

Row Returns the cosine of the given angle. If the angle is in degrees, multiply the angle by PI()/180.

Argument Description
metric The angle in radians for which you want the cosine

Cube Root

Effect CUBE ROOT(metric)

Returns the positive cube root of a number. The cube root of a number is the value of that number raised to the power of 1/3.

Argument Description
metric The metric for which you want to calculate the cube root


Effect CUMULATIVE(number, metric)

Returns the sum of the last n elements of column x. If n > 0, sum the last n elements or x. If n < 0, sum the preceding elements.

Argument Description
number The last N number of rows to return the sum for. If N <= 0 use all previous rows.
metric The metric for which you would like the Cumulative Sum.


Date Revenue CUMULATIVE(0, Revenue) CUMULATIVE(2, Revenue)
May $500 $500 $500
June $200 $700 $700
July $400 $1100 $600

Cumulative (Average)

Effect CUMULATIVE AVERAGE(number, metric)

Returns the average of the last n elements of column x. If n > 0, sum the last n elements or x. If n < 0, sum the preceding elements.

Argument Description
number The last N number of rows to return the average for. If N <= 0 use all previous rows.
metric The metric for which you would like the Cumulative Average.

This function does not work with rate metrics like revenue per person. The function averages the rates instead of summing revenue over the last N and summing persons over the last N and then dividing them.
Instead, use CUMULATIVE(revenue) Divide CUMULATIVE(person).


Effect EQUAL()

Equal. The output is either a 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Argument Description


Metric 1 = Metric 2

Exponential regression: Correlation coefficient


Table Exponential regression: Y = a exp(X) + b. Returns the correlation coefficient.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to correlate with metric_Y
metric_Y A metric that you would like to correlate with metric_X
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Exponential Regression: Predicted Y

Effect EXPONENTIAL REGRESSION: PREDICTED Y(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Row Exponential regression: Y = a exp(X) + b. Returns Y.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data.
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data.
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Exponential Regression: Intercept

Effect EXPONENTIAL REGRESSION: INTERCEPT(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Exponential regression: Y = a exp(X) + b. Returns b.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Exponential Regression: Slope

Effect EXPONENTIAL REGRESSION: SLOPE(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Exponential regression: Y = a exp(X) + b. Returns a.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations


Effect FLOOR(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Row Returns the largest integer not greater than a given value. For example, if you want to avoid reporting currency decimals for revenue and a product has $569.34, use the formula FLOOR(Revenue) to round revenue down to the nearest dollar, or $569.

Argument Description
metric The metric that you want to round.

Greater Than


The output is either a 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Argument Description


Metric 1 > Metric 2

Greater Than or Equal


Greater than or equal. The output is either a 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Argument Description


Metric 1 >= Metric 2

Hyperbolic Cosine


Row Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number.

Argument Description
metric The angle in radians for which you want to find the hyperbolic cosine

Hyperbolic Sine

Effect HYPERBOLIC SINE(metric)

Row Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number.

Argument Description
metric The angle in radians for which you want to find the hyperbolic sine

Hyperbolic Tangent


Row Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number.

Argument Description
metric The angle in radians for which you want to find the hyperbolic tangent


Effect IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)

Row If the value of the condition parameter is non-zero (true), the result is the value of the value_if_true parameter. Otherwise, it is the value of the value_if_false parameter.

Argument Description
logical_test Required. Any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE
value_if_true The value that you want to be returned if the logical_test argument evaluates to TRUE. (This argument defaults to 0 if not included.)
value_if_false The value that you want to be returned if the logical_test argument evaluates to FALSE. (This argument defaults to 0 if not included.)

Less Than

Effect LESS THAN()

The output is either a 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Argument Description


Metric 1 < Metric 2

Less Than or Equal


Less than or equal. The output is either a 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Argument Description


Metric 1 <= Metric 2

Lift (#lift)

Argument Description
normalizing-container The basis (People, Sessions, or Events) on which a test is run.
success-metric The metric or metrics that a user is comparing variants with.
control The variant that all other variants in the experiment are being compared with. Enter the name of the control variant dimension item.

Linear Regression: Correlation coefficient

Effect LINEAR REGRESSION: CORRELATION COEFFICIENT(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Linear regression: Y = a X + b. Returns the correlation coefficient.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to correlate with metric_Y
metric_Y A metric that you would like to correlate with metric_X
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Linear Regression: Intercept

Effect LINEAR REGRESSION: INTERCEPT(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Linear regression: Y = a X + b. Returns b.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Linear Regression: Predicted Y

Effect LINEAR REGRESSION: PREDICTED Y(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Row Linear regression: Y = a X + b. Returns Y.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Linear Regression: Slope

Effect LINEAR REGRESSION: SLOPE(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Linear regression: Y = a X + b. Returns a.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Log Base 10

Effect LOG BASE 10(metric)

Row Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number.

Argument Description
metric The positive real number for which you want the base-10 logarithm

Log Regression: Correlation coefficient

Effect LOG REGRESSION: CORRELATION COEFFICIENT(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Log regression: Y = a ln(X) + b. Returns the correlation coefficient.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to correlate with metric_Y
metric_Y A metric that you would like to correlate with metric_X
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Log Regression: Intercept

Effect LOG REGRESSION: INTERCEPT(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Log regression: Y = a ln(X) + b. Returns b.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Log Regression: Predicted Y

Effect LOG REGRESSION: PREDICTED Y(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Row Log regression: Y = a ln(X) + b. Returns Y.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Log Regression: Slope

Effect LOG REGRESSION: SLOPE(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Log regression: Y = a ln(X) + b. Returns a.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Natural Log

Effect NATURAL LOG(metric)

Returns the natural logarithm of a number. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e (2.71828182845904). LN is the inverse of the EXP function.

Argument Description
metric The positive real number for which you want the natural logarithm


Effect NOT(logical)

Negation as a boolean. The output is either 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Argument Description
logical Required. A value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE

Not Equal

Effect NOT EQUAL()

Not Equal. The output is either a 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Argument Description


Metric 1 != Metric 2


Effect OR(logical_test)

Row Disjunction. Not equal to zero is considered to be true and equals zero is considered to be false. The output is either a 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Argument Description
logical_test Requires at least one parameter but can take any number of parameters. Any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE

0 (zero) means False, and any other value is True.


Effect PI()

Returns Pi: 3.14159…

Power Regression: Correlation coefficient

Effect POWER REGRESSION: CORRELATION COEFFICIENT(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Power regression: Y = b X ^ a. Returns the correlation coefficient.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to correlate with metric_Y
metric_Y A metric that you would like to correlate with metric_X
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Power Regression: Intercept

Effect POWER REGRESSION: INTERCEPT(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Power regression: Y = b X ^ a. Returns b.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Power Regression: Predicted Y

Effect POWER REGRESSION: PREDICTED Y(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Row Power regression: Y = b X ^ a. Returns Y.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Power Regression: Slope

Effect POWER REGRESSION: SLOPE(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Power regression: Y = b X ^ a. Returns a.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Quadratic Regression: Correlation coefficient


Table Quadratic regression: Y = (a + bX) ^ 2, Returns the correlation coefficient.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to correlate with metric_Y
metric_Y A metric that you would like to correlate with metric_X
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Quadratic Regression: Intercept

Effect QUADRATIC REGRESSION: INTERCEPT(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Quadratic regression: Y = (a + bX) ^ 2, Returns a.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Quadratic Regression: Predicted Y

Effect QUADRATIC REGRESSION: PREDICTED Y(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Row Quadratic regression: Y = (a + bX) ^ 2, Returns Y.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Quadratic Regression: Slope

Effect QUADRATIC REGRESSION: SLOPE(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Quadratic regression: Y = (a + bX) ^ 2, Returns b.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Reciprocal Regression: Correlation coefficient


Table Reciprocal regression: Y = a + b X ^ -1. Returns the correlation coefficient.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to correlate with metric_Y
metric_Y A metric that you would like to correlate with metric_X
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Reciprocal Regression: Intercept

Effect RECIPROCAL REGRESSION: INTERCEPT(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Reciprocal regression: Y = a + b X ^ -1. Returns a.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Reciprocal Regression: Predicted Y

Effect RECIPROCAL REGRESSION: PREDICTED Y(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Row Reciprocal regression: Y = a + b X ^ -1. Returns Y.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

Reciprocal Regression: Slope

Effect RECIPROCAL REGRESSION: SLOPE(metric_X, metric_Y, include_zeros)

Table Reciprocal regression: Y = a + b X ^ -1. Returns b.

Argument Description
metric_X A metric that you would like to designate as the dependent data
metric_Y A metric that you would like to designate as the independent data
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations


Effect SINE(metric)

Row Returns the sine of the given angle. If the angle is in degrees, multiply the angle by PI()/180.

Argument Description
metric The angle in radians for which you want the sine


Effect T-SCORE(metric, include_zeros)

The deviation from the MEAN, divided by the standard deviation. Alias for Z-Score.

Argument Description
metric The metric for which you would like the T Score
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations


Effect T-TEST(metric, degrees, tails)

Performs an m-tailed t-test with t-score of x and n degrees of freedom.

Argument Description
metric The metric on which you would like to perform a T Test
degrees The degrees of freedom
tails The length of the tail to be used to perform the T Test


The signature is T-TEST(metric, degrees, tails). Underneath, it simply calls m CrossSize75 CDF-T(-ABSOLUTE VALUE(tails), degrees). This function is similar to the Z-TEST function, which runs m CrossSize75 CDF-Z(-ABSOLUTE VALUE(tails)).

  • m is the number of tails.
  • n is the degrees of freedom, and should be a constant number for the whole report, that is, not changing on a row by row basis.
  • x is the T-test statistic, and would often be a formula (for example, Z-SCORE) based on a metric and is evaluated on every row.

The return value is the probability of seeing the test statistic x given the degrees of freedom and number of tails.


  1. Use the function to find outliers:

    T-TEST(Z-SCORE(bouncerate), ROW COUNT - 1, 2)
  2. Combine the function with IF to ignore very high or low bounce rates, and count sessions on everything else:

    IF(T-TEST(Z-SCORE(bouncerate), ROW COUNT - 1, 2) < 0.01, 0, sessions )


Effect TANGENT(metric)

Returns the tangent of the given angle. If the angle is in degrees, multiply the angle by PI()/180.

Argument Description
metric The angle in radians for which you want the tangent


Effect Z-SCORE(metric, include_zeros)

Row The deviation from the mean divided by the standard deviation.

Argument Description
metric The metric for which you would like the Z Score
include_zeros Whether or not to include zero values in the calculations

A Z-score of 0 (zero) implies the score is the same as the mean. A Z-score can be positive or negative, indicating whether it is above or below the mean and by how many standard deviations.

The equation for Z-score is:

Where x is the raw score, μ is the mean of the population, and σ is the standard deviation of the population.


μ (mu) and σ (sigma) are automatically calculated from the metric.


Effect Z-TEST(metric_tails)

Performs an n-tailed z-test with a z-score of x.

Argument Description
metric The metric on which you would like to perform a Z Test
tails The length of the tail to be used to perform the Z Test

Assumes that the values are normally distributed.

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