Default calculated metrics

Last update: 2024-12-13
  • Created for:
  • User

Adobe Analytics provides various calculated metrics to cover the most common use-cases. These calculated metrics are available by default in Analysis Workspace.

Following is a list of each calculated metric that is provided by Adobe, with its intended function and the underlying formula used to calculate it:


In addition to the default calculated metrics described on this page, you can also add additional calculated metrics to a report suite.

You can:

Calculated metric name Function Formula
Acquisition Link Clicks The number of times people click a link that is designed to drive traffic to the site. [Campaign Click-throughs]
Actions The total number of actions taken in the app [Has an Action] (segment)
[Custom Link Instances] (metric)
App Users The total number of users of a mobile app [Mobile App Users] (segment)
[Unique Visitors] (metric)
Average Session Length (Mobile) The average amount of time that visitors spend on the site during a single session. Blank
Average Time on Site The average amount of time that a visitor spends on the site before leaving or navigating away. [Average Time Spent on Site (Seconds)]
Bounce Rate The ratio of visits that contained exactly one hit compared to the number of visits on that page. This metric can help you understand which dimension items have the highest bounce rate, or to see an aggregated total bounce rate of your site over time. [Bounces] / [Entries]
Bot Page Views Ratio The ratio of bot page views compared to the total number of page views. [Bot Page Views] / [Page Views]
Content Velocity The speed at which new content is created and published on the site and how quickly it generates user engagement. [Page Views] / [Visits]
Conversion Rate The percentage of visitors who took a desired action, such as made a purchase. [Orders] / [Visits]
Entry Rate The percentage of visitors who entered the site on a given page, compared to the total number of sessions on the site. [Entries] / [Visits]
Estimated Unique Visitors (ITP 2.1) For ITP visitors (users on Safari browsers), divide Unique Visitors by 2 or less. This calculated metric assumes that you are set cookies using client-side JavaScript (not using a CNAME implementation). Implementations that set cookies using client-side JavaScript were impacted starting with ITP 2.1. See Intelligent tracking prevention for details. [Unique Visitors (metric) with ITP Visitors (ITP 2.1, Non-CNAME implementations) segment] / [Unique Visitors metric + Non-ITP Visitors (ITP 2.1, Non-CNAME implementations) segment]
Experience Cloud ID coverage The percentage of visitors who have an Experience Cloud ID. [Visitors with Experience Cloud ID] / [Unique Visitors]
Exit Rate The percentage of visitors who leave the site after viewing a particular page. [Exits] / [Visits]
ITP 2.1 Unique Visitors / Unique Visitors The percentage of unique visitors using a browser affected by ITP 2.1 cookie limitations. [Unique Visitors metric with ITP Visitors segment] / [Unique Visitors]
Order Assists The number of times a channel or source contributed to a customer’s journey towards making a purchase, but did not result in the final purchase. [Orders (Visit Participation)] - [Orders]
Orders / Visits The percentage of visits to the site that result in a completed transaction. [Orders] / [Visits]
Orders / Visitor The average number of orders or transactions generated by each individual visitor to the site [Orders] / [Unique Visitors]
Page Views / Estimated Unique Visitors (ITP 2.1) The average number of pages viewed for Estimated Unique Visitors (ITP 2.1). [Unique Visitors (metric) with ITP Visitors (ITP 2.1, Non-CNAME implementations) segment] / [Unique Visitors (metric) with Non-ITP Visitors (ITP 2.1, Non-CNAME implementations) segment]
Page Views / Unique Visitor The average number of pages viewed for each unique visitor to the site. [Page Views] / [Unique Visitors]
Page Views / Visits The average number of pages a user views during a single visit to the site. [Page Views] / [Visits]
Page Velocity The number of additional page views that a piece of content generates. This metric can help you determine which content drives additional engagement. [Page Views] / [Visits]
Reloads / Pageviews The percentage of page views that resulted in a reload or refresh of the page. [Reloads] / [Page Views]
Revenue / Order The average amount of revenue generated by each completed transaction or order on the site. [Revenue] / [Orders]
Revenue / Visits The average amount of revenue generated by a single visit to the site. [Revenue] / [Visits]
Revenue / Visitor The average amount of revenue generated by each individual visitor to the site. [Revenue] / [Unique Visitors]
State Views The number of views to the different states or screens of the app [Mobile App Users] (segment)
[Page Views] (metric)
Time Spent/User (State) The length of time that the average visitor spends in a particular State while on the site [Mobile App Users] (segment)
[Time Spent per Visitor (Seconds)] (metric)
Unique Visitors / Unique Visitors returning after 7 days The percentage of unique visitors who are returning after a period of 7 or more days. [Unique Visitors metric with Users returning after 7 days segment] / [Unique Visitors]
Users (Mobile) The total number of users of a mobile app [Mobile App Users] (segment)
[Unique Visitors] (metric)
Visits / Visitor The average number of visits a unique visitor makes to the site. [Visits] / [Unique Visitors]
Weighted Bounce Rate Function IF([Visits] > PERCENTILE([Visits]), [Bounce Rate], 0)

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