CDA Workspace template

Last update: 2024-08-23
  • Topics:
  • CDA
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  • Created for:
  • Admin

The functionality described in this section is only available to existing customers that already have a license for the functionality. The functionality is no longer offered as an additional add-on to existing or new customers.

Adobe offers a template to see vital cross-device performance data.

  1. Navigate to and log in using your AdobeID credentials.
  2. Click the 9-grid icon at the top, then click Analytics.
  3. Click Workspace at the top, then click Create New Project.
  4. Locate the “Cross-Device Analysis” template, then click Create.
  5. If prompted, change the report suite to one that supports CDA.

An Analysis Workspace project is created that contains several panels. At the top, a table of contents and introduction is shown, allowing context to the report and navigation to individual reports. Click a link within the table of contents or expand a panel’s accordion to view those reports.

  • Identification of users: Shows how often visitors to your site are identified using methods based on Cross-Device Analytics.
  • Measuring audience size: Shows a comparison of ‘Unique Devices’ compared to ‘People’. The proportion of these two numbers is known as ‘Cross-device compression’, a calculated metric visible in this panel. This compression metric depends on a broad range of factors:
    • Log in rate: The more users log in on your site, the more Adobe can identify and stitch visitors across devices. Sites with a low log in rate also have low compression rates.
    • Experience Cloud ID coverage: Only visitors with an ECID can be stitched. A lower percentage of visitors to your site using an ECID correlates to lower compression rates.
    • Multiple device usage: If visitors to your site don’t use multiple devices, you can see lower compression rates.
    • Reporting granularity: Compression by day is typically smaller than compression by month or year. The chances for an individual to use multiple devices becomes smaller within a single day than over an entire month. Segmenting, filtering, or using breakdown dimensions can also show a lower compression rate.
  • People-based segments: Contains a segment drop-down list that allows you to view device specific data. This panel encourages experimentation with segments to see how including or excluding device types affect reports.
  • Analyzing the cross-device journey: Provides flow and fallout reports based on device type.
  • Cross-device attribution: Combine the features of Journey IQ and Attribution together.
  • Other tips and tricks: Helpful topics around CDA that lets you get more out of using it.

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