Browser export lets you export your classification data to a tab-delimited file.
Admin > Classification Importer
The data set file is a tab-delimited data file (.tab filename extension) that most spreadsheet applications support.
Browser exports have a 30-column limit.
Element | Descriptions |
Select Report Suite | Select the report suite from which you want to export the report data. |
Data Set to be classified | From the drop-down menu, select the data set that you want to classify. |
Select Number of Rows | Specify how many rows of data to export.
Filter by Date Received | (Optional) Filter data by the date it was received. Specify the date range for which you want to download data. |
Apply Data Filter | (Optional) Filter the data set by data criteria. You can filter the download to include data rows that include a specific value or data rows with unassigned column (classification) values. Consider the following issues when applying data filters:
Data Filter | (Optional) Filter data by campaign data. You can download data only from active campaigns, or you can select campaigns that began (or ended) in a specific date range. Important: This option is not available for report suites enabled for the New Classification Architecture. |
Export Numeric 2 | You can import Numeric 2 classifications into the system using the importer. Numeric 2 classifications are useful for variables that change over time for different items, such as cost and budget values for the Marketing Channel report. See Numeric 2 Classifications for information about uploading data using numeric 2 classifications. |
Encoding | Select the character encoding for the data file. The default encoding format is either UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1, based on the encoding that was uploaded for the classification. UTF-8 to UTF-16 converts your UTF-8 encoded classifications to UTF-16 encoding. ISO-8859-1 to UTF-16 converts your ISO-8859-1 encoded classifications to UTF-16 encoding. Note: If you select to convert to UTF-16, the source encoding must match the encoding of the original upload or you may get unexpected results. We recommend encoding all uploaded files in UTF-8 without BOM. |
Quote Output | Specifies version 2.1 for the classification file. This setting places quotes around special characters to ensure that exports work in Excel when a line break exists in the eVar values. You can identify whether a classification file is version 2.1 by opening the downloaded file. You will see v2.1 in the header. For example: ## SC SiteCatalyst SAINT Import File v:2.1 |