Delete classification data

Last update: 2022-02-17
  • Created for:
  • User

Sometimes it is necessary to remove classification data after it is uploaded. Use either ~empty~ or ~deletekey~, depending on what you want to remove.

Steps to remove classification data

Removing classification data involves uploading a classification file containing ~empty~ or ~deletekey~ in the appropriate cells.

  1. Click Admin > Classification Importer.
  2. Click Browser Export.
  3. Select the report suite and data set you would like to remove classification data from.
  4. Adjust any optional settings to filter specific data you’re looking for, then click Export File.
  5. Once the file has been downloaded, open the file and replace any classification values with either ~empty~ or ~deletekey~.
  6. Save the file as a tab-delimited text file.
  7. Click Import File, and upload the saved classification file back into Adobe Analytics.

Deleting an individual classification value

Multiple classifications can belong to the same variable. For example, you can have 2 different classifications of eVar1. If you would like to only remove a single classified value, replace the classification value with ~empty~. For example:

Inventory SKU (eVar8) Inventory Name Inventory Category
857467 V-neck sweater Women’s clothing
948203 Ankle bracelet Jewelry
174391 White corduroy pants ~empty~

Using ~empty~ under the Inventory Category classification still preserves data for the Inventory Name classification. The ~empty~ value only deletes classification data for that cell.

Deleting an entire classification row

Use ~deletekey~ in any column to delete the entire classification row. For example:

Inventory SKU (eVar8) Inventory Name Inventory Category
857467 V-neck sweater Women’s clothing
948203 Ankle bracelet Jewelry
174391 White corduroy pants ~deletekey~

Using ~deletekey~ under the Inventory Category classification deletes all classification data for the key value 174391. It becomes as if the row was never classified.

Pitfalls and tips

  • If using ~deletekey~, you only need one per row in a classification file.
  • ~empty~ and ~deletekey~ must be exact matches. No spaces or capitalization are allowed.
  • You cannot delete values within the key column, These values are passed directly into the variable and is permanent.
  • If you are removing a classification value that has subclassifications, those subclassifications are also removed. Classifications cannot exist without a key value, and a subclassification’s parent is its key value.
  • It is possible to remove subclassification data while leaving its parent classification intact.

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