Definitions of interface elements on the pages in the Classification Rule Builder.
This page displays the rules in a rule set.
Element | Description |
Select Report Suites and Variables |
Report Suite The report suites to which the rule set applies. Variable You can apply only one variable when creating a classification rule set. If you want to create multiple rule sets for one variable, you must apply each rule set to multiple report suites. Note: You can use only the variables you have access to in your report suites. Variables will display in the New Rule Set panel only after they have at least one classification defined for that variable. You can create classifications on a variable in Admin > Report Suites > Traffic > Traffic Classifications (or Conversion > Conversion Classifications). Then select the variable, then click Add Classification. See Traffic Classifications and Conversion Classifications in Admin Help. |
Activate |
Validates and activates a rule. Active rules process daily, examining classification data going back typically one month. The rules automatically check for new values and upload the classifications. |
Deactivate |
Deactivates the rules so that you can edit and test them. |
Configure Report Suites and Variables |
Displays the Available Report Suites page, where you can select one or more available report suites to use for all your rule sets. (This page also displays when you first run the Classification Rule Builder.) This feature is intended to help reduce report suite load time, in the event that you have hundreds of available report suites. The report suites you select here are made available at the rule level, when you click Add Suites when creating a rule. Note: A report suite becomes available only when the report suites have at least one classification defined for the variable in Admin Tools. (See Variable in Classification Rule Sets for an explanation about this prerequisite.) |
Rules overwrite any existing values |
(Default setting) Always overwrite existing classification keys, including classifications uploaded via the importer (SAINT). |
Rules overwrite only unset values |
Only fill in blank (unset) cells. Existing classifications will not be changed. |
Lookback window |
When you activate and validate rules, you can specify whether the rules should overwrite existing classifications for affected keys. (Only classified keys that have been previously passed into Adobe Analytics within the time period you specify are affected.) If you to not specify a lookback window, the rules look back roughly one month (depending on current day of the month.) Existing classifications are never overwritten unless you enable this option. Dev Center: Partners can create classification rules in the Dev Center. These rules are deployed when the customer activates an integration. In the Dev Center, the Overwrite Since option lets the partner specify whether the customer can determine the overwrite value when activating or editing an integration. See How Rules Are Processed for more information about rule processing. |
Add Rule | Lets you add rules to the rule set. Note: If a value is matched twice or more in a set of rules, the system uses the last rule to classify the value. |
Draft | Lets you specify that a rule is in draft mode. Draft status lets you test the rule before running it. |
Duplicate | Duplicates (copies) a rule set, so that you can apply the rule set to another variable, or to the same variable in a different report suite. |
Lets you test the validity of a rule set. |
Matching Condition | Specifies the conditions you want that for the rule. |
Classification Action | Specifies the action to take when the Matching Condition occurs. For example, you set a Campaign Name to $2, which identifies position 2 in a tracking code as the Campaign Name. |
# | The rule number. See How Rules Are Processed for more information. |
Select Rule Type | Each rule set applies to a specific variable. Valid selections are:
Enter Match Criteria | The text pattern you are looking for in a key. These criteria can be search terms, characters, or regular expression. |
Set Classification | The classification column you want to set if the match criteria are met. |
To | The value you want to specify for the selected classification column if the match criteria is met. |
Filter | Lets you search for rules. |
You can edit regular expressions on the Regular Expression page.
Element | Description |
Sample Key | The test string to use. For example, you can create a classification from specific characters in a tracking code. You can match particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. |
Match Groups | Shows how the regular expression corresponds to the campaign ID characters, so that you can classify a position in the campaign ID. |
Match Result | Displays the parts of a string that successfully match the regular expression. |
See Regular Expressions in Classification Rules.
This page lets you test rules in a set.
Element | Description |
Run Test | When you test the rule set, use keys from the report to see how they will be impacted by the rule set. |
Filter | Filters the values in the Results panel. |