Classification set consolidation process

Last update: 2023-10-02
  • Created for:
  • User

Use this interface to create a classification set consolidation from start to finish.


Components > Classification sets > Consolidations > Add

The following fields are available when creating a consolidation:

  • Name: The name of the consolidation.
  • Notify of issues: A comma-delimited list of email addresses that are notified of issues with this consolidation.
  • Dataset to match: A drop-down list of all classification sets.

Once you select a classification set, a table with two columns appears:

  • The right column contains all classification sets that you want to consolidate. It starts with the classification set selected using the above drop-down list.
  • The left column contains all classification sets eligible to be merged with the originally selected dataset. Schemas must exactly match to be eligible for consolidation. If schemas do not match the selected classification set, they do not appear in this left column.

Drag the desired classification sets from the available column on the left to the consolidation column on the right. Once the consolidation is given a name and two or more classification sets are in the right column, click Save & Continue.


Once you have created a consolidation, a list of source datasets appears on the right. The Validate button makes sure that each individual classification set is valid for this consolidation. You can reorder the classification steps here to determine priority in cases of mismatched classification values. The highest classification set in the list overwrites any mismatched values in other classification sets.


Once a consolidation is validated, you can run it. Running a consolidation provides a similarity report with the following table columns:

  • Dataset name: The name of the classification set.
  • Mismatch: The percent of rows where key values did not match the source classification set. If the mismatch percent is high, it is possible that the classification data is too different. Check and make sure that the selected classification sets have similar classification data.
  • Absent: The percent of rows where key values were in that classification set but not in the source classification set. All absent rows are added to the consolidated classification set.


Acts as a last call before removing the individual classification sets and creating a consolidated classification set. Make sure that everything is correct, then click Approve.

Once approved, the consolidated classification set is created. The status is set to Complete, and no further action is required for the consolidation.

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