Classification set jobs manager

Last update: 2023-07-03
  • Created for:
  • User

The Classification set jobs manager lets you see current and completed classification jobs that were generated from classification sets. You can also use this interface to download classification data or templates for a particular job, or upload additional data to a job.

Components > Classification sets > Jobs

You cannot create jobs from this interface. Create jobs by uploading data to a classification set (either manually or through a configured external location), requesting a download file, or requesting a template file.

Filter classification sets

The left side of the Classification set job manager provides filter settings to locate the desired job. Clicking the filter icon toggles the filter settings visibility. You can filter Classification sets by Classification set, Completion time, Status, Job Type, or Source.

Classification set job filters

Additional filter options are available above the Classification set job manager columns:

  • Search by title: Search for jobs by filename.
  • Load more: The Classification set job manager initially displays up to 1000 jobs. If more jobs exist, click this button to load 1000 more jobs.
  • Show/Hide columns: Toggle visibility for any column besides Filename and Completion time.

Classification set job manager columns

The following columns are available in the Classification set job manager:

  • Filename: The name of the upload or download file.
  • Classification set: The name of the Classification set that the file applies to. You can click the Classification set name to reach the Classification set’s Settings.
  • Size: The size of the file.
  • Status: The status of the job processing the file.
    • Created: The job was submitted.
    • Queued: The file is ready to be processed, and is waiting for a classification server to process the file.
    • Validated: The file is valid and is waiting to be processed.
    • Failed validation: The file is formatted incorrectly or otherwise invalid. The file does not go through processing.
    • Processing: The file is actively being processed by Adobe.
    • Failed processing: The file failed processing.
    • Complete: Processing is complete. Classification data is visible in reporting.
    • Failed: Generic failure not related to validation or processing.
  • Job type: The type of job.
  • Source: The job source.
  • File download: Only applies to download jobs, such as downloading classification data or downloading templates. When a download is ready, this column provides a download link.
  • Modified lines: The number of modified lines.
  • Completed lines: The number of completed lines.
  • Completion time: The date and time that the job completed (or failed).

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