Classification set rules

Last update: 2023-10-02
  • Created for:
  • User

Classification set rules allow you to automatically classify values based on the value that the variable is set to. These rules apply to all incoming variable values for all subscriptions of the classification set.

Components > Classification sets > Sets > Click the desired classification set name > Rules

Rule settings

Settings that apply to the entire set of rules.

  • Rules overwrite: Determines the behavior of all rules in cases where a classification value exists.
    • Apply to all values: If a rule matches, always overwrite the classification value.
    • Apply only to unset values: If a rule matches, only write the classification value if it is blank. If a classification value exists, do nothing.
  • Lookback window: When this rule is activated, all rules run against all unique values seen within the lookback window set here.


A list of rules that run for each unique value.

  • Search: A search box that allows you to filter rules by match criteria.
  • Add rule: Adds a blank row to the rule table.
  • Test rule set: Brings up a test UI that allows you to validate your rules. On the left, you can manually type key values, or you can drag and drop a classification file to import many values to test against. On the right is a table that shows preliminary results of what classified values would look like if the rule set was activated. Since this interface is only for validation, no values are classified.

Select one or more rules by clicking the checkbox next to the desired rule. Selecting a rule reveals the following options:

  • Delete: Deletes the row from the rule table.
  • Duplicate: Copies the selected rows to new rows in the rule table.

Rule table

The rule table is separated vertically into two main parts: matching condition and classification action. Each row (an individual rule) contains a matching condition and a classification action.

  • Rule number: Rules run in the same order that you configure the rule table. If Rules overwrite is set to Apply to all values, the last matching rule overwrites any previous rules for the same classification dimension. If Rules overwrite is set to Apply to only unset values, the first rule that sets a classification value applies.
  • Select rule type: The rule criteria. Options include Contains, Ends with, Regular expression, Regular expression, and Starts with.
  • Enter match criteria: The text string to match. If you select Regular expression as the rule type, an overlay appears that lets you enter the value, test the regular expression, and provides sample syntax.
  • Set classification: A drop-down list that sets the classification dimension that you want to assign a value to. Valid options include elements in your schema.
  • To: The text string to set the classified value to. If the rule type is Regular expression, you can include a combination of text and match groups.

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