
Last update: 2024-02-14
  • Created for:
  • User

View currently configured classification dimensions for this classification set.

Components > Classification sets > Sets > Click the desired classification set name > Schema

The following buttons are available:

  • Upload: Manually upload classification data for one or more classification dimensions. JSON, CSV, TSV, and TAB files are supported. Uploading a valid file shows a table preview of data to classify.

    • File encoding: Select the correct file encoding using this drop-down. Valid options include UTF-8 and Latin1.
    • List delimiter: Select the correct list delimiter. If using a downloaded file or template file, make sure that the List delimiter here matches the List delimiter when the file was downloaded.
    • Apply: Save the uploaded classification data to the classification set.

    Classification set upload

  • Download: Download key values and their classification columns.

    • Rows: The maximum number of rows to include in the download file.
    • Download rows received between: A calendar date picker that allows you to filter key values by when they appear in reporting. If a key value was not collected in this date range, it does not appear in the downloaded file.
    • Data returned: A drop-down list that lets you filter key values included in the downloaded file based on their associated classification data.
      • All classified values: Includes rows where classification data is included in at least one column.
      • All unclassified values: Includes rows where classification data is missing in at least one column.
    • File format: A drop-down list that determines the file format that the download file is in. Options include JSON, Comma separated values, and Excel tab separated values.
    • File encoding: A drop-down list that determines the file encoding. Options include UTF-8 and Latin1. UTF-8 is recommended.

    Classification set download

  • Template: Download a template file. This file is similar to the Download button, except it does not contain any classification data or key values.

    • File format: A drop-down list that determines the file format that the template file is in. Options include Comma separated values, and Excel tab separated values.
    • File encoding: A drop-down list that determines the file encoding. Options include UTF-8 and Latin1. UTF-8 is recommended.
    • List delimiters: A drop-down list that determines the list delimiter separating classification columns on each row.

    Classification set template

  • Job history: A shortcut link that takes you to the Job manager, showing jobs only for this classification set.

  • Automate: Automatically ingest data from external storage locations.

    • Location account: A drop-down list showing existing location accounts that your organization has configured. If your organization hasn’t already configured a location account, you can configure one by selecting Create a new account.

      For information about configuring the location account, see Configure cloud import and export accounts.

    • Location: A drop-down list showing existing locations that your organization has configured. If your organization hasn’t already configured a location, you can configure one by selecting Create a new location.

      For information about configuring a location, see Configure cloud import and export locations.

    • Delimiter: The column delimiter for uploaded files. Options include Comma, Semicolon, Colon, Vertical bar, Space, Forward slash, Backward slash, Dash, or Underscore.

    • Encoding: A drop-down list that determines the file encoding. Options include UTF-8 and Latin1. UTF-8 is recommended.

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