Classification set manager

Last update: 2024-04-29
  • Created for:
  • User

The Classification set manager allows you to create, edit, or delete classification sets.

Components > Classification sets > Sets

Classification sets consist of Subscriptions (report suite and dimension combinations) and Classification names (dimensions containing classification data). Subscriptions are configured under Settings, while classification names are configured under Schema.

Filter classification sets

The left side of the Classification set manager provides filter settings to locate the desired classification set. Clicking the filter icon toggles the filter settings visibility. You can filter classification sets by Tags or Report suite.

Classification set filters

Classification set manager columns

The following columns are available in the Classification set manager:

  • Classification set: The classification set name. Clicking a classification set name edits its settings.
  • Subscriptions: The number of subscriptions that this classification set applies to.
  • Classifications: The number of classification dimensions that the classification set contains.
  • Automated: Determines if the classification set is configured to automatically import data from a cloud location. Automation can be configured in the classification set’s schema.
  • Last Modified: The date and time that the classification set was last modified.

Create or edit options

The following buttons are available in the Classification set Manager:

  • Add: Create a classification set.
  • Search by title: Search for classification sets by name.
  • Load more: The Classification set manager initially displays up to 1000 classification sets. This button loads 1000 more classification sets.
  • Show/Hide columns: Toggle visibility for any column besides Classification set.

Select one or more classification sets by clicking the checkbox next to the desired classification set. Selecting a classification set reveals the following options:

  • Tag: Add one or more tags to the selected classification sets, which allows you to organize or group classification sets to make them easier to locate in the future.
  • Delete: Deletes the classification set. Classification dimensions based on this classification set are no longer available. Scheduled projects using the deleted classification set continue using dependent dimensions until you resave the scheduled project.
  • Consolidate: Start a new consolidation.
  • Rename: Rename the selected classification set.

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