Activity Map Link

Last update: 2024-06-07
  • Created for:
  • User

The ‘Activity Map Link’ dimension displays the most popular links that were clicked. You can use this dimension to compare which links on your site are used the most, regardless of where the links were clicked.

Populate this dimension with data

This dimension retrieves data from the Context data variable If your implementation uses Activity Map, this context data variable automatically collects data when links are clicked.

For a given link that was clicked, Activity Map searches for the following (in order):

  1. The s_objectID variable
  2. The link’s inner text
  3. The alt attribute for images
  4. The title attribute
  5. The src attribute for images
  6. The action attribute for forms

If the clicked element contains none of the above criteria, Activity Map does not collect data for that click.

Dimension items

Dimension items include the link text or other link attributes that visitors click. Your organization’s site structure and implementation determines the exact values collected.

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