Activity Map Page

Last update: 2024-07-22
  • Created for:
  • User

The ‘Activity Map Page’ dimension displays the page that a visitor was on when a link was clicked. You can use this dimension to determine what pages contain links that get clicked on the most. This dimension is also used by the Activity Map overlay to determine which links to display.

Populate this dimension with data

This dimension retrieves data from the Context data variable If your implementation uses Activity Map, this context data variable automatically collects data when links are clicked.

For a given link that was clicked, this context data variable collects the value in the Page dimension. If the Page dimension does not contain a value, the Page URL dimension is used instead (similarly to the fallback that the Page dimension uses). Activity Map data is typically sent on the next hit after a link was clicked. This dimension allows you to determine the page value when the link was clicked, instead of the page value when data was sent.

Dimension items

Dimension items include all values found in the Page dimension.

On this page