Browser type

Last update: 2023-09-29
  • Created for:
  • User

The ‘Browser type’ dimension lists the organizations who made the browser that the visitor uses. This dimension is useful when you want to see which overarching browsers visitors use. It provides value over the ‘Browsers’ dimension in that it does not list different versions of the same browser as separate dimension items.

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This dimension references a lookup table internal to Adobe. The lookup value is based on the User-Agent HTTP header in image requests. Adobe partners with DeviceAtlas to maintain lookups between user agent and browser.

  • For AppMeasurement implementations, this dimension works out of the box.
  • For Web SDK implementations, enable Device Lookup when configuring a datastream.

Dimension items

Dimension items include organizations that make browsers. Common dimension items include "Google" (the creators of Chrome), "Apple" (the creators of Safari), "Microsoft" (the creators of Edge), and "Mozilla" (the creators of Firefox).

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