Connection type

Last update: 2023-09-21
  • Created for:
  • User

The ‘Connection type’ dimension shows how the visitor connected to the internet. This dimension is useful to determine how visitors connect to the internet to browse your site. You can use it to optimize site content based on the connection speed of visitors.

Populate this dimension with data

This dimension uses a combination of the ct query string and Adobe server-side logic. Adobe uses the following rules in order to determine its value:

  1. If the ct query string equals "modem", set the dimension item to "Modem". AppMeasurement only collects this data on unsupported Internet Explorer browsers, making this dimension item uncommon.
  2. Check the IP address of the hit and reference it to a lookup table internal to Adobe. If the IP address is from a mobile carrier, set the dimension item to "Mobile Carrier".
  3. If the ct query string equals "lan", set the dimension item to "LAN/Wifi".
  4. If the hit originates from a Data source or is otherwise considered a special type of hit, set the dimension item to "Not specified".
  5. If none of the above rules are met, default to the value of "LAN/Wifi".

Dimension items

Dimension items include LAN/Wifi, Mobile Carrier, Modem, and Not Specified.

  • LAN/Wifi: The visitor connected to the internet through a landline or wifi hotspot.
  • Mobile Carrier: The visitor connected to the internet through a mobile carrier.
  • Modem: The visitor connected to the internet through a modem on an unsupported Internet Explorer browser.
  • Not Specified: The hit did not have a connection type.

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