Customer loyalty

Last update: 2023-09-21
  • Created for:
  • User

The ‘Customer loyalty’ dimension reports the number of visitors to your site that have made 0 prior purchases, 1 prior purchase, 2 prior purchases, or 3+ prior purchases. This dimension is valuable to understand how your site affects purchasing behavior. You can also use this dimension in a segment to focus on visitors that return to make a purchase, so that you can encourage similar behavior for new visitors.

Populate this dimension with data

Adobe automatically populates this dimension based on the purchase event in your implementation. If you implement the purchase event on your site, this dimension always works.

Dimension items

Dimension items include the following:

  • Not a customer: At the time of the hit, the visitor has never made a purchase before.
  • New customers: At the time of the hit, the visitor made a single purchase before.
  • Return customers: At the time of the hit, the visitor made two purchases before.
  • Loyal customers: At the time of the hit, the visitor made three or more purchases before.

When a visitor makes a purchase (triggers the purchase event), that hit and all subsequent hits move into the next “bucket”. For example, if a visitor buys a product from your site for the first time, they move from “Not a customer” to “New customers”, with the order attributed to “New customers”. The dimension item “Not a customer” cannot have orders attributed to it.

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