Hit depth

Last update: 2023-09-21
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The ‘Hit depth’ dimension reports how far into a visit a given hit is. This dimension is valuable in understanding how far into a visit that visitors perform actions on your site. Hit depth counts all types of hits, including page views (t())and link tracking hits (tl()).

Populate this dimension with data

This dimension works out of the box for all implementations. If a report suite contains data, this dimension works.

Dimension items

Dimension items include the string "Hit Depth" followed by a number representing the number of hits into the visit. The dimension item of "Hit Depth 1" represents the first hit of the visit, while the dimension item "Hit Depth 8" represents the 8th hit of the visit.

Comparison to visit depth

Hit depth counts all types of hits, including page view and link tracking hits. Visit depth only increments for page view hits, and the Page dimension item is not the same as the value on the previous page. Visit depth is also a visit-based dimension, meaning it is the same value for all hits in the visit. The following table outlines an example visit and how it considers hit depth + visit depth:

Page sequence Hit depth Counts toward visit depth? Visit depth
Home page 1 Yes 4
Product page 2 Yes 4
Home page 3 Yes 4
Custom link click 4 No (custom link) 4
Custom link click 5 No (custom link) 4
Product page 6 Yes 4
Custom link click 7 No (custom link) 4
Product page 8 No (same as previous page) 4

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