Persistent cookie support

Last update: 2023-09-21
  • Created for:
  • User

The ‘Persistent cookie support’ dimension shows if the hit used a visitor identifier that originated from a persistent source. The most common persistent source is from a cookie, but can also use mobile headers and other sources.

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Adobe determines the value of this dimension server-side based on the source of the hit’s identifier. There is not a way to directly set it. It works out of the box for all implementations.

Dimension items

  • Enabled: The hit’s visitor identifier come from a source that typically persists. The most common examples include aid, fid, or mid query string parameters, as they derive their values from a cookie.
  • Disabled: The hit’s visitor identifier came from a source that Adobe does not recognize as persistent, such as IP + user agent string. This dimension item also includes custom visitor ID’s using the visitorID variable.
  • Cookie support: AppMeasurement tries to set a generic cookie. The dimension item is based on if the cookie was successfully set.
  • Persistent cookie support: The dimension item is based on if the hit’s identifier originated from a persistent source, such as a cookie.

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