Streaming Media ad dimensions

Last update: 2024-12-13
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This page describes the available dimensions when you enable Media Ads for a report suite. See Streaming Media ad metrics for available metrics.

Streaming Media ad dimensions provide supplemental reporting functionality to data collection through streaming media collection libraries. Use of these dimensions require the Adobe Streaming Media Collection. Contact your Adobe Account Team for details.

When you enable Media Ads under Media reporting, the following dimensions are available:

Dimension name Description Sent with Context data variable
Ad The unique identifier for the ad. Ad Start, Ad Close
Ad name (variable) The friendly name of the ad. A classification dimension named ‘Ad name’ is also available, which provides a similar purpose. This dimension and the classification are treated as two distinct dimensions. Ad Start, Ad Close
Ad player name The name of the player that renders the ad. Ad Start, Ad Close
Ad length (variable) The length of the video ad, in seconds. Ad Start, Ad Close
Ad pod The unique identifier for the ad pod. Ad Start, Ad Close
Ad in pod position The index position of the ad inside the parent ad break (0-indexed). Ad Start, Ad Close
Advertiser The company or brand featured in the ad. Ad Start, Ad Close
Campaign ID The ID of the ad campaign Ad Start, Ad Close

In addition to the above dimensions, Adobe automatically creates the following classification dimensions. You must upload classification data to view reports that use these dimensions.

Classification name Parent dimension Description
Asset ID Content The unique identifier for the content of the media asset. Examples include the TV series episode identifier, movie asset identifier, or live event identifier. These IDs are typically derived from metadata authorities such as EIDR, TMS/Gracenote, Rovi, or from other proprietary or in-house systems.
Content rating Content The rating as defined by TV parental guidelines.
First air date Content The date when the content first aired on television. Since this classification dimension is a string, any date format is allowed. Adobe recommends using a consistent date format, such as YYYY-MM-DD.
First digital date Content The date when the content first aired on any digital channel or platform. Since this classification dimension is a string, any date format is allowed. Adobe recommends using a consistent date format, such as YYYY-MM-DD.
Ad length Ad The length of the video ad, in seconds.
Ad name Ad The friendly name of the ad. It is the classification equivalent of ‘Ad name (variable)’.
Creative ID Ad The ID of the ad creative.
Pod name Ad pod The friendly name of the ad pod.
Pod position Ad pod The offset of the ad break inside the content, in seconds.

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