The ‘Average page views per visit’ dimension shows how many page views occurred on average against your desired dimension. For time-based dimensions, you can see how the average number of page views within a visit trends over time. This metric is helpful when you want to understand how frequently dimension items appear in a visit.
Use this metric alongside another metric (such as Visits) to obtain better insights. If you use this metric by itself, you get dimension items containing anomaly page views per visit, which is typically not valuable.
This metric is calculated using the formula Page views
divided by
This metric frequently contains percentages above 100%. The denominator is the entire dimension’s average page views per visit, and the numerator is the dimension item’s average page views per visit. If the entire dimension’s average page views per visit is lower than a given dimension item’s average page views per visit, you’ll see percentages above 100%. Sorting ranked reports by this metric shows anomaly average page views per visit values, which is typically not valuable. Adobe recommends sorting by another metric, such as Visits, in ranked reports.