The ‘Occurrences’ metric shows the number of hits where a given dimension was set or persisted. When you drag a dimension in Workspace to a blank canvas, Adobe automatically applies this metric to the project.
Out of all hits in a report suite, include hits where a dimension item is defined or persisted. Some dimensions, such as eVars, persist beyond the hit they are set on. This metric counts both initial and persisted values.
), link tracking calls (tl()
), and data from summary Data sources. The page views metric only includes page view tracking calls, excluding link tracking calls and summary data sources.Persistence is the ability for a given dimension value to relate to a metric beyond the event it is set on. It uses a combination of allocation and expiration. Allocation lets you determine which value is kept when more than one dimension item can persist at a time in a single column. Expiration lets you determine how long a dimension item persists beyond the event it is set on.
Persistence is available only on dimensions, and is retroactive to the data it is applied to. It is an immediate data transformation that happens before filtering or other analysis operations are applied. If persistence is not enabled, the dimension only relates to metrics that exist in the same event.