Describes a suggested workflow for segments created with the Segment Builder and managed through the Segment Manager.
Have you asked all the right questions before building segments and setting up a segment management environment? Have you designed the segment with its intended purpose and distinct usage in mind?
See the Segment Planning Checklist for help in planning and organizing your segments.
Build and edit segments for use in all Analytics capabilities.
See Build Sequential Segments for how to build segments with the THEN operator.
Tag segments for ease of organization and sharing. See how to plan and assign tags for simple and advanced searches and organization.
Approve segments to make them canonical.
You can apply segments directly from a report, from the segment rail ( Show Segments).
Share your segments with the intended audience in other Analytics tools and to Adobe Target and the Adobe Experience Cloud.
Filter by tags, owners, and other filters (Show All, Mine, Shared With me, Favorites, and Approved.)
Marking segments as favorites is another way to organize them for ease of use.
The Segment Manager offers many ways of curating segments, such as sharing, filtering, tagging, approving, copying, deleting, and marking as favorites.