
Last update: 2024-01-25
  • Created for:
  • Developer

Dynamic accounts are only supported using legacy JavaScript implementations (H Code). These variables are not supported in current AppMeasurement libraries or tags in Adobe Experience Platform.

The dynamicAccountMatch variable is the value that dynamicAccountList looks at and compares its values. If dynamicAccountSelection is not set to true, this variable is ignored.

If this variable is not defined, its default value is window.location.host.


s.dynamicAccountMatch=[DOM object]


// Look at the URL path to determine report suite
s.dynamicAccountMatch = location.pathname;

// Use a query string
s.dynamicAccountMatch = location.search;

// Use the full URL
s.dynamicAccountMatch = location.href;

// Use concatenated variables
s.dynamicAccountMatch =  location.hostname + location.pathname + location.search;

Additional notes

  • Pages saved to a hard drive do not have several location variables defined (for example, location.host is blank). Make sure s_account contains a default report suite.
  • When a page is translated via a web-based translation engine, such as Google, dynamic account selection does not work as designed. For more precise tracking, populate the s_account variable server-side.

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