Once you have created and configured a tag property, the libraries are ready to be deployed and code implemented on your site.
Create and configure a tag property for Adobe Analytics: Access the tool and create a space for your Analytics implementation.
Tags accommodates many organizational workflows in deploying code. Follow these steps to create the minimum necessary components for an Analytics implementation. As a tag admin, you can work within your organization to establish the correct workflow for deploying Adobe solutions.
"Adobe managed"
, and select Managed by Adobe in the type drop-down list. Click Save."Dev Environment"
, then select the Adobe managed host from the drop-down list. Click Save."Staging Environment"
, then select the Adobe managed host. Click Create, then close the install instructions modal window."Production Environment"
, then select the Adobe managed host. Click Create, then close the install instructions modal window.Despite all the changes and configurations made so far, no code has actually been published. Creating a library, roughly translated as a collection of changes, allows the publishing of code to be used on your site.
'Initial changes'
, and select your development environment.If you control your website’s code, implement each block of code in their respective location:
tag on your site.</body>
tag on your site. You can choose to load library tags synchronously by toggling the Load Library Asynchronously option in the Web Install Instructions.Tag code is typically placed in the site’s overarching template. A blank page only containing implementation code would look like the following:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Example page</title>
<script src="//assets.adobedtm.com/launch-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-development.min.js"></script>
<p>This is a test page.</p>
<!-- Only include this extra code if you load tags synchronously -->
<script type="text/javascript">_satellite.pageBottom();</script>
Attempting to build fails.
A common reason is because elements already exist in other libraries pushed to staging or production. When initially creating libraries, ensure only changed resources are added to the library.
Validate your Analytics implementation and publish to production: Start getting value out of Adobe Analytics.