Validate a development implementation and publish to production

Last update: 2024-02-26
  • Topics:
  • Tags
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  • Created for:
  • Admin

Once your tag library is pushed to production, your organization can begin to use Adobe Analytics to pull basic reports.


Deploy your Analytics implementation to your dev environment: An Analytics implementation must be published to your development environment in order to follow this page.

Validate your dev implementation using the Experience Cloud debugger

The Experience Cloud debugger is an extension that shows all Experience Cloud tags present on a page.

  1. Install the extension for either Chrome or Firefox.
  2. Navigate to your development website that you have implemented tags on.
  3. Click on the Adobe Experience Cloud debugger icon in your browser.
  4. If everything is properly implemented, you should see content inside Adobe Analytics, tags, and the Adobe Experience Cloud Visitor ID service.

Deploy your dev implementation to staging/prod

Once you have validated that you are seeing data, you can push your implementation to the live version of your site.

  1. Log in to Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection using your AdobeID credentials.
  2. Click the tag property that you intend to implement on your site.
  3. Click the Publishing tab and locate your library in the development column.
  4. Click the drop-down list on the library, then select Submit for Approval. Click Submit on the modal window.
  5. Click the library’s drop-down list again (now in the Submitted column), and select Build for Staging.
  6. After a few moments, the yellow colored light on the library turns green, indicating a successful build.
  7. Click the library’s drop-down list again, and select Approve for Publishing.
  8. Click the library’s drop-down list again (now in the Approved column), and select Build and Publish to Production.
  9. Go to the Environments tab, the click Production Environment.
  10. Copy the production install code, and provide it to your website owners. Request that they implement this code on your site’s production environment.

Validate your production implementation

Confirm that you’re seeing data on the live version of your site, and begin official data collection for Adobe Analytics.

  1. Once you have confirmed from your website owners that they have pushed the tag code to production, navigate to your website’s homepage in Chrome and open the Adobe Experience Cloud debugger.
  2. If everything is working, you should see similar data to your tests in your dev environment. At this point, you are now collecting data on your site and can now start using Adobe Analytics for reporting.


No data appears in the debugger.

While on your site, open the browser’s developer console (typically F12). Look at the source code of the page and make sure the following are met:

  • There are no JavaScript errors in the console. Work with your organization’s website owners to make sure all JS errors are resolved.
  • Header code is properly implemented: Make sure the header code is inside the <head> tag, and that the file exists.
  • AppMeasurement library exists: Navigate directly to the JS source to make sure the JS file contains code. If it does not, make sure each environment is created, and that the library is published to its respective environment.
  • Interfering extensions: Some extensions, such as ad blockers, can prevent image requests from firing. Disable any extensions that might stop data from being sent to Adobe.

Next Steps

Now that a basic implementation is set up, your role within your organization can influence which path you want to learn more about:

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