Campaign tracking workflow

Last update: 2024-01-25
  • Created for:
  • Admin

If your organization wants to track the performance and click-through rate of marketing efforts, you can use the following process. Each of these steps has dedicated sections below that contain more detail.

  1. Establish a tracking code generation process
  2. Add the desired tracking code to the email
  3. Set up or adjust your Adobe Analytics implementation to include tracking code data
  4. View the reports in Analysis Workspace

Adobe Campaign can help simplify each of these steps to drive the most value out of your marketing efforts. Contact your Adobe Sales representative for more information.

Establish a tracking code generation process

Every organization has different needs for tracking codes. Some organizations might have minimal needs where manually created tracking codes are more than sufficient. Other organizations might want more control over tracking and have multiple systems in place for creating desired tracking codes. If your organization uses Google Analytics in addition to Adobe Analytics, your organization might already have a utm tracking code model established.

Regardless of how you choose to create or generate tracking codes, having a consistent system in place allows your organization a much easier time when you want to group tracking codes together for reporting. Consistently structured tracking codes allow you to create Classification rules so that you can get insight on categorical performance.

Add the desired tracking code to a URL

Once you have the desired tracking code value, you can add it to any links that you post online, such as advertisements, social media, or email. Adding these tracking codes typically take place in a link’s query string. Which query string parameter you use depends on your organization’s tracking requirements; a common query string parameter is cid (short for campaign ID). Some organizations who also use Google Analytics might already have multiple campaign query string parameters like utm_source, utm_medium, and others.

Adding query strings to a link in an email would look similar to the following:

Include campaign variables in your implementation

Adobe Analytics has a dedicated Tracking code dimension that you can use to measure various marketing efforts across your organization. However, different organizations might have different tracking requirements. It is important to reference your organization’s Solution design document to consistently track the right values in the right variables.

If your organization has not yet set up campaign tracking, you can adjust your implementation to set the campaign variable. See the getQueryParam method to learn how you can collect query string parameter values specific to your organization’s implementation.

If your organization collects utm query strings, you can choose to either:

  • Send all utm query strings into the Tracking Code dimension as concatenated values. You can then use Classification rules to create additional dimensions that focus on each utm parameter. This method has a more complex learning curve, but does not use any extra eVars.
  • Send each utm query string into a separate eVar. This method is more simple to implement overall, but requires the use of extra eVars.

View the reports in Analysis Workspace

Once you have properly set up your implementation to collect tracking code data, you can view reports in Analysis Workspace.

  1. Log in to the Adobe Experience Cloud and select Adobe Analytics.
  2. Create a Workspace project.
  3. In the list of components on the left, drag the Tracking code dimension to the workspace canvas.
  4. Drag the desired metric, such as Visits or Orders to the right side of the workspace canvas.

Campaign tracking report

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