
Last update: 2024-02-27
  • Created for:
  • Admin

The abort variable is a boolean that can prevent the next tracking call from being sent to Adobe. Similar functionality exists in the Web SDK allowing you to return false before an XDM event is sent.

Cancel sending an event using the Web SDK extension

Use the On before event send callback code editor and return false.

  1. Log in to Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection using your AdobeID credentials.
  2. Click the desired tag property.
  3. Go to the Extensions tab, then click the Configure button under Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK.
  4. Under Data Collection, click the Edit on before event send callback code button.
  5. In the code editor, put the following code under any conditions that you want to abort sending data to Edge:
return false;

Cancel sending an event manually implementing the Web SDK

Use the onBeforeEventSend callback and return false. See Modifying events globally in the Web SDK documentation for more information.

alloy("configure"), {
    "onBeforeEventSend": function(content) {
        return false;

Using the abort variable in the Adobe Analytics extension

There is not a dedicated field in the Adobe Analytics extension to use this variable. Use the custom code editor, following AppMeasurement syntax.

s.abort in AppMeasurement and the Analytics extension custom code editor

The s.abort variable is a boolean. Its default value is false.

  • If set to true, the next tracking call (t() or tl()) does not send any data to Adobe.
  • If set to false or not defined, this variable does nothing.
s.abort = true;

The abort variable resets to false after every tracking call. If you want to abort subsequent tracking calls on the same page, set abort to true again.

The abort variable can be set in the doPlugins() function, which is the last function to run before an image request is sent to Adobe. This example operates similarly to the onBeforeEventSend callback using the Web SDK.

s.doPlugins = function(s) {
    s.campaign = s.Util.getQueryParam("cid");
    if ((!s.campaign) && (!s.events)) {
        s.abort = true;

You can centralize the logic you use to identify activity that you do not want to track, such as some custom links or external links in display ads.

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