
Last update: 2024-01-25
  • Created for:
  • Admin

High-entropy client hints are used by Adobe Analytics to improve device and browser identification. This option is available starting with version 2.23.0 of AppMeasurement.js. Read more about client hints in this overview and FAQ as well as Google’s blog.

Collect high-entropy hints using the Web SDK

High-entropy client hints are part of the context categories in Web SDK. See Configure the Platform Web SDK for more details.

Collect high-entropy hints using the Adobe Analytics Extension

Collect high-entropy user-agent hints is a check box under the General accordion when configuring the Adobe Analytics extension.

  1. Log in to Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection using your AdobeID credentials.
  2. Click the desired tag property.
  3. Go to the Extensions tab, then click Configure under Adobe Analytics.
  4. Expand the General accordion, which reveals the Collect high entropy user-agent hints check box. It is unchecked by default.

collectHighEntropyUserAgentHints in AppMeasurement

The s.collectHighEntropyUserAgentHints variable determines if AppMeasurement requests high-entropy hints from Chromium browsers (for example, Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge). These hints are used by Adobe Analytics to improve device and browser identification.

If set to true, all high entropy hints will be requested from the browser.

s.collectHighEntropyUserAgentHints = true;

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