
Last update: 2024-06-19
  • Created for:
  • Admin

This variable is retired. Use trackingServer instead.

The cookieDomain variable determines the domain where AppMeasurement sets cookies. You can use this variable to explicitly set the cookie domain instead of using the cookieDomainPeriods variable.

This variable only needs to be used when both of the following conditions are met:

  • If your implementation uses first-party cookies. This variable is not required with implementations using a trackingServer value containing
  • If your domain has a period in its suffix. For example, could use the cookieDomain variable to explicitly state that the cookie domain is and not

Only a small number of implementations have use for the cookieDomain variable, and even then, alternative variables like cookieDomainPeriods can be used instead.

The Web SDK can determine the correct cookie storage domain without this variable.

There is not a dedicated field in the Adobe Analytics extension to use this variable. Use the custom code editor, following AppMeasurement syntax.

s.cookieDomain in AppMeasurement and the Analytics extension custom code editor

The cookieDomain variable is a string, and is set to the domain that you want to store cookies on.

s.cookieDomain = "";

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