The s_gi()
function instantiates or finds an instance of AppMeasurement by report suite ID. AppMeasurement keeps track of every instance created, and s_gi()
returns the existing instance for a report suite if one exists. If an instance does not exist, a new instance is created.
The Web SDK extension instantiates and manages the tracking object for you. However, you can customize the tracking object name in the extension settings:
.The following code loads the Web SDK and instantiates a tracking object. You can customize the tracking object name by changing the string "alloy"
at the end of the inline script to the desired value.
[]).push(o),n[o]=function(){var u=arguments;return new Promise(
<script src="" async></script>
See Install the SDK in the Web SDK documentation for more information.
The Analytics extension instantiates and manages the tracking object for you. However, you can also set a global tracking object in the Library Management accordion when configuring the Adobe Analytics extension.
The global variable text field lets you set a custom tracking object. Its default value is s
Call the s_gi()
function to instantiate a tracking object. Its only argument contains a comma-delimited string of report suite IDs. The report suite ID argument is required.
Adobe recommends using the s
variable as a tracking object. Adobe uses s
in its documentation, implementation examples, and plug-ins. However, you can use any variable as long as you are consistent across your site.
// Instantiate the tracking object with a single report suite
var s = s_gi("examplersid");
// Instantiate the tracking object to send to multiple report suites
var s = s_gi("examplersid1,examplersid2");
The following sections and examples contain complex implementation topics. Thoroughly test your implementation and track important customizations in your organization’s solution design document.
You can send different data to different report suites if you instantiate multiple tracking objects. These two tracking objects operate independently of each other.
// Instantiate two separate tracking objects to two different report suites
var s = s_gi('examplersid1');
var z = s_gi('examplersid2');
// The s object and z object contain their own independent Analytics variables simultaneously
s.pageName = "Example page name 1";
z.pageName = "Example page name 2";
// Send data to the examplersid1 report suite
// Send data to the examplersid2 report suite
Some 3rd-party tools might also use the JavaScript s
object. If you accidentally overwrite the s
object on your site, you can call s_gi
with the same RSID string argument to restore all overwritten variables and methods.
// Step 1: Instantiate the tracking object
var s = s_gi("examplersid");
// Step 2: Set eVar1
s.eVar1 = "Example value";
// Step 3: Accidentally overwrite the tracking object
s = "3rd party tool";
// Step 4: If you attempt to send a tracking call, an error is returned. Instead, re-instantiate the tracking object
s = s_gi("examplersid");
// Step 5: The previous values of all variables are preserved. You can send a tracking call and eVar1 is correctly set
If two variables reference the same s_gi()
function with the same report suite, you can use the variables interchangeably.
// If the RSID is the same, any variables set in the 's' tracking object also get set in 'z' tracking object
var s = s_gi('examplersid');
var z = s_gi('examplersid');
s.eVar1 = "Shared tracking object value";
// This tracking call contains the above eVar1 value