
Last update: 2024-07-22
  • Created for:
  • Admin

The ActivityMap.linkExclusions variable lets you selectively filter or exclude Activity Map data based on the text in the Activity Map Link dimension.

When Enable click data collection is enabled, use the Filter click properties callback code block. Within this code block, you can check the value of content.linkName, and either change the value or abandon the collection of link tracking data.

When clickCollectionEnabled is enabled, use the filterClickDetails callback in the clickCollection object. Inside this callback, you can check the value of linkName, and either change the value or abandon the collection of link tracking data.

alloy("configure", {
  clickCollectionEnabled: true,
  clickCollection: {
    filterClickDetails: function(content) {
      // If the link is a clickable telephone number, anonymize it
      if(content.linkUrl.includes("tel:")) {
        content.linkName = content.linkUrl = "Phone number";
      // If the link is an email address, anonymize it
      if(content.linkUrl.includes("mailto:")) {
        content.linkName = content.linkUrl = "Email address";

There is not a dedicated field in the Adobe Analytics extension to use this variable. Use the custom code editor, following AppMeasurement syntax.

s.ActivityMap.linkExclusions using AppMeasurement

The s.ActivityMap.linkExclusions variable is a string containing comma-delimited values of phrases to exclude from Activity Map tracking. If any of the phrases match the value collected in the Activity Map Link dimension, all Activity Map data is removed from the hit. Note that this variable looks at linkName, not linkUrl.

  var s = s_gi("examplersid");
  s.ActivityMap.linkExclusions = "Contact";

<!-- Clicking this link tracks normally -->
<a href="products.html">View our products</a>

<!-- Activity Map data is not tracked for this link -->
<a href="">Contact this user</a>

On this page