
Last update: 2024-07-22
  • Created for:
  • Admin

The ActivityMap.regionIDAttribute variable lets you change the attribute that Activity Map looks for when determining the Activity Map Region dimension. If your site is structured in a way that makes the id attribute less useful for Activity Map region, you can set this variable to look at a different attribute.

Region ID attribute in the Web SDK extension

When Enable click data collection is enabled, use the Filter click properties callback code block. Within this code block, you can check the value of content.clickedElement, and either change the value or abandon the collection of link tracking data.

Region ID attribute in the Web SDK JavaScript library

When clickCollectionEnabled is enabled, use the filterClickDetails callback in the clickCollection object. Inside this callback, you can check the value of clickedElement, and customize the logic of the region collected.

alloy("configure", {
  clickCollectionEnabled: true,
  clickCollection: {
    filterClickDetails: function(content) {
      // If the clicked element was in a table, set the region to the contents of the data-custom attribute
      // If the clicked element was not in a table, or if the data-custom attribute doesn't exist, leave region as-is
      content.region = content.clickedElement.closest('table')?.getAttribute('data-custom') || content.region;

Region ID attribute using the Adobe Analytics extension

There is not a dedicated field in the Adobe Analytics extension to use this variable. Use the custom code editor, following AppMeasurement syntax.

s.ActivityMap.regionIDAttribute using AppMeasurement

The s.ActivityMap.regionIDAttribute variable is a string that represents the attribute to determine the Activity Map Region dimension. This variable is set to id by default. If you change this variable, Activity Map no longer looks for the id attribute, but still looks for other criteria to determine region (such as semantic elements).

  var s = s_gi("examplersid");
  s.ActivityMap.regionIDAttribute = "data-custom";

<!-- Clicking any of these links populates the region dimension with 'left-nav' -->
<div id="676967617A656C6C65" data-custom="left-nav">
  <a href="index.html">Home</a>
  <a href="products.html">View our products</a>
  <a href="contact.html">Contact us</a>

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