
Last update: 2024-02-29
  • Created for:
  • Admin

AppMeasurement automatically collects the page URL in each hit. If you want to override the page URL automatically collected by AppMeasurement, you can use this variable. You do not need to set this variable in most cases.


This variable is not an available dimension in Analysis Workspace. It is only available in Data Warehouse and Data Feeds. Additionally, Adobe data collection servers strip this dimension from all link tracking image requests. If you want to use page URL as a dimension in Analysis Workspace or want this dimension in link tracking hits, consider passing the pageURL variable into an eVar on every hit.

Page URL using the Web SDK

Page URL is mapped to the following variables:

  • XDM object: xdm.web.webPageDetails.URL
  • Data object: or

Page URL using the Adobe Analytics extension

The Analytics extension in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection automatically populates page URL. However, you can set the page URL override either while configuring the Analytics extension (global variables) or under rules.

  1. Log in to Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection using your AdobeID credentials.
  2. Click the desired tag property.
  3. Go to the Rules tab, then click the desired rule (or create a rule).
  4. Under Actions, click an existing Adobe Analytics - Set Variables action or click the ‘+’ icon.
  5. Set the Extension drop-down list to Adobe Analytics, and the Action Type to Set Variables.
  6. Locate the Page URL section.

You can set page URL to any string value.

s.pageURL in AppMeasurement and the Analytics extension custom code editor

The s.pageURL variable is a string that contains the URL of the page. AppMeasurement automatically collects this variable, however you can override its value if desired.

s.pageURL = "";

If you would like to use page URL as a dimension in reports, consider using the following in your implementation:

// Set eVar1 to page URL without protocol or query strings
s.eVar1 = window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname;

If using the digitalData data layer:

s.pageURL =;

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