This plug-in is provided by Adobe Consulting as a courtesy to help you get more value out of Adobe Analytics. Adobe Customer Care does not provide support with this plug-in, including installation or troubleshooting. If you require help with this plug-in, contact your organization’s Adobe Account Team. They can arrange a meeting with a consultant for assistance.
The getPageName
plug-in creates an easy to read, friendly formatted version of the current URL. Adobe recommends using this plug-in if you want a pageName
value that is easy to set and understand in reporting. This plug-in is unnecessary if you already have a naming structure for the pageName
variable, such as through a data layer. It is best used when you don’t have another solution to set the pageName
Adobe offers an extension that allows you to use most commonly-used plug-ins with the Web SDK.
This plug-in is not yet supported for use within a manual implementation of the Web SDK.
Adobe offers an extension that allows you to use most commonly-used plug-ins with Adobe Analytics.
If you do not want to use the Common Analytics Plugins plug-in extension, you can use the custom code editor.
Copy and paste the following code anywhere in the AppMeasurement file after the Analytics tracking object is instantiated (using s_gi
). Preserving comments and version numbers of the code in your implementation helps Adobe with troubleshooting any potential issues.
/******************************************* BEGIN CODE TO DEPLOY *******************************************/
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: getPageName v4.2 */
var getPageName=function(si,qv,hv,de){var a=si,b=qv,f=hv,e=de;if("-v"===a)return{plugin:"getPageName",version:"4.2"};a:{if("undefined"!==typeof window.s_c_il){var d=0;for(var g;d<window.s_c_il.length;d++)if(g=window.s_c_il[d],g._c&&"s_c"===g._c){d=g;break a}}d=void 0}"undefined"!==typeof d&&(d.contextData.getPageName="4.2");var c=location.hostname,h=location.pathname.substring(1).split("/"),l=h.length,"&"),m=k.length;d=location.hash.substring(1).split("&");g=d.length;e=e?e:"|";a=a?a:c;b=b?b:"";f=f?f:"";if(1===l&&""===h[0])a=a+e+"home";else for(c=0;c<l;c++)a=a+e+decodeURIComponent(h[c]);if(b&&(1!==m||""!==k[0]))for(h=b.split(","),l=h.length,c=0;c<l;c++)for(b=0;b<m;b++)if(h[c]===k[b].split("=")[0]){a=a+e+decodeURIComponent(k[b]);break}if(f&&(1!==g||""!==d[0]))for(f=f.split(","),k=f.length,c=0;c<k;c++)for(b=0;b<g;b++)if(f[c]===d[b].split("=")[0]){a=a+e+decodeURIComponent(d[b]);break}return a.substring(a.length-e.length)===e?a.substring(0,a.length-e.length):a};
/******************************************** END CODE TO DEPLOY ********************************************/
The getPageName
function uses the following arguments:
(optional, string): An ID inserted into the beginning of the string representing the ID of the site. This value can either be a numeric ID or a friendly name. When not set, it defaults to the current domain.qv
(optional, string): A comma-delimited list of query string parameters that, if found in the URL, are added to the stringhv
(optional, string): A comma-delimited list of parameters found in the URL hash that, if found in the URL, are added to the stringde
(optional, string): The delimiter to split up individual parts of the string. Defaults to a pipe (|
).The function returns a string containing a friendly-formatted version of the URL. This string is typically assigned to the pageName
variable, but can be used in other variables as well.
// Given the URL, sets the page variable to "|mail|u|0".
s.pageName = getPageName();
// Given the URL, sets the page variable to "example|mail|u|0".
s.pageName = getPageName("example");
// Given the URL, sets the page variable to "|home".
// When the code runs on a URL that does not contain a path, it always adds the value of "home" to the end of the return value.
s.pageName = getPageName();
// Given the URL, sets the page variable to "example|home".
s.pageName = getPageName("example","","","|");
// Given the URL
// Sets the page variable to "|en|booking|room-booking.html".
s.pageName = getPageName();
// Given the URL
// Sets the page variable to "example: en: booking: room-booking.html: cid=1235: arrive=05-26: numGuests=2"
s.pageName = getPageName("example","cid","arrive,numGuests",": ");
Version 4.0+ of the getPageName
plug-in is not dependent on the existence of the Adobe Analytics’ AppMeasurement object (i.e. the s
object). If you upgrade to this version, change the code that calls the plug-in by removing any instances of the s
object from the call. For example, change s.getPageName();
to getPageName();