This plug-in is provided by Adobe Consulting as a courtesy to help you get more value out of Adobe Analytics. Adobe Customer Care does not provide support with this plug-in, including installation or troubleshooting. If you require help with this plug-in, contact your organization’s Adobe Account Team. They can arrange a meeting with a consultant for assistance.
The Numbers Suite a series of JavaScript functions. It includes the following plug-ins:
: Add a specific number of zeros to the beginning of a number. This plug-in is useful if a variable requires a certain number of digits, such as if you work with JavaScript date objects and want to format a date’s month and day with two digits instead of just one digit. For example, 01/09/2020
instead of 1/9/2020
: Generate a random number with a specific number of digits. This plug-in is useful if you deploy 3rd-party tags and want a cache-busting random number.twoDecimals
: Round a number to the closet hundredth. This plug-in is useful for currency purposes, allowing you to round a number to a valid currency value.This plug-in is not yet supported for use within the Web SDK.
Adobe offers an extension that allows you to use most commonly-used plug-ins with Adobe Analytics.
If you do not want to use the Common Analytics Plugins plug-in extension, you can use the custom code editor.
Copy and paste the following code anywhere in the AppMeasurement file after the Analytics tracking object is instantiated (using s_gi
). Preserving comments and version numbers of the code in your implementation helps Adobe with troubleshooting any potential issues.
/******************************************* BEGIN CODE TO DEPLOY *******************************************/
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: zeroPad v1.0 */
function zeroPad(num,nod){num=parseInt(num);nod=parseInt(nod);if(isNaN(num)||isNaN(nod))return"";var c=nod-num.toString().length+ 1;return Array(+(0<c&&c)).join("0")+num};
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: randomNumber v2.0 (zeroPad plug-in optional)*/
function randomNumber(nod){nod="number"===typeof nod?17>Math.abs(nod)?Math.round(Math.abs(nod)):17:10;for(var a="1",c=0;c<nod;c++) a+="0";a=Number(a);a=Math.floor(Math.random().toFixed(nod)*a)+"";a.length!==nod&&"undefined"!==typeof zeroPad&&(a=zeroPad(a,nod)); return a};
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: twoDecimals v1.0 */
function twoDecimals(v){return"undefined"===typeof v||void 0===v||isNaN(v)?0:Number(Number(v).toFixed(2))};
/******************************************** END CODE TO DEPLOY ********************************************/
The zeroPad
function uses the following arguments:
argument.The randomNumber
function uses the following arguments:
The twoDecimals
function uses the following arguments:
argument but with a specific number of zeroes added to the beginning of its value, which ensures that the return value has the correct number of digits.s.eVar25 = zeroPad(25.5562, 5) //sets eVar25 equal to "00025"
s.prop1 = zeroPad(25, 1) //sets prop1 equal to "25"
s.prop1 = zeroPad(232425235,23) //sets prop1 equal to "00000000000000232425235"
s.eVar65 = randomNumber(15) //sets eVar65 equal to "721759731750342" or some other random 15-digit number
randomNumber() //returns a random 10-digit number but is useless since this isn't used in an expression
var j = randomNumber(35) //sets a variable named j equal to "15476068651810060" or another random 17-digit number = "event10=" + twoDecimals("85.4827128694") //sets"event10=85.48"
var fivehundredthirtytwo = twoDecimals(532.000000001) //sets the variable fivehundredthirtytwo equal to 532
s.eVar65 = twoDecimals("672132.9699736457") //sets s.eVar65 equal to 672132.97