This plug-in is provided by Adobe Consulting as a courtesy to help you get more value out of Adobe Analytics. Adobe Customer Care does not provide support with this plug-in, including installation or troubleshooting. If you require help with this plug-in, contact your organization’s Adobe Account Team. They can arrange a meeting with a consultant for assistance.
The pt
plug-in executes a function or method on a list of Analytics variables. For example, you can selectively run the clearVars
function on several variables without manually calling the function each time. Several other plug-ins depend on this code to run correctly. This plug-in is not necessary if you have no need to run a specific function on more than one Analytics variable at a time, or if you’re not using any dependent plug-ins.
This plug-in is not yet supported for use within the Web SDK.
Adobe offers an extension that allows you to use most commonly-used plug-ins with Adobe Analytics.
If you do not want to use the Common Analytics Plugins plug-in extension, you can use the custom code editor.
Copy and paste the following code anywhere in the AppMeasurement file after the Analytics tracking object is instantiated (using s_gi
). Preserving comments and version numbers of the code in your implementation helps Adobe with troubleshooting any potential issues.
/******************************************* BEGIN CODE TO DEPLOY *******************************************/
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: pt v3.0 */
function pt(l,de,cf,fa){var b=l,d=de,f=cf,g=fa;if("-v"===b)return{plugin:"pt",version:"3.0"};a:{if("undefined"!==typeof window.s_c_il){var a=0;for(var c;a<window.s_c_il.length;a++)if(c=window.s_c_il[a],c._c&&"s_c"===c._c){a=c;break a}}a=void 0}if("undefined"!==typeof a&&("3.0",b&&a[f])){b=b.split(d||",");d=b.length;for(var e=0;e<d;e++)if(c=a[f](b[e],g))return c}};
/******************************************** END CODE TO DEPLOY ********************************************/
The pt
function uses the following arguments:
(required, string): A list of variables that the function contained in the cf
argument can execute
(optional, string): The delimiter that separates the list of variables in the l
argument. Defaults to a comma (,
(required, string): The name of the callback function contained in the AppMeasurement object to be called against each of the variables contained in the l
(optional, string): If the function in the cf
argument calls for additional arguments when it runs, include them here. Defaults to undefined
.Calling this function returns a value if the callback function (in the cf
argument) returns a value.
The following code is part of the getQueryParam plug-in. It runs the getParameterValue helper function against each of the key-value pairs that are contained in the URL’s querystring (fullQueryString). In other to extract each key-value pair, the fullQueryString must be delimited and split out by an ampersand “&” character. The parameterKey refers to the query string parameter that the plug-in is specifically trying to extract from the query string
returnValue = pt(fullQueryString, "&", "getParameterValue", parameterKey)
The above line is a shortcut for running code that resembles the following:
var returnValue = "",
parameters = fullQueryString.split("&"),
parametersLength = parameters.length;
for(var i = 0; i < parametersLength; i++)
returnValue = getParameterValue(parameters[i], parameterKey);
if(returnValue !== "") break;