Communicate event impact to users

Last update: 2024-01-19
  • Topics:
  • Event
    View more on this topic
  • Created for:
  • User

If you have data impacted by an event, it is important to communicate that event to users in your organization.

  • Develop a common disclaimer that you can use in communications for consistency
  • Provide ongoing communication to Analytics users and key stakeholders during and after the event
  • Place a calendar reminder for subsequent milestones, such as the following month or year. This communication in the future helps remind users viewing reports the impact in month-over-month or year-over-year reports.

Within Adobe Analytics, the following sections show different ways that you can communicate with users in your organization. You can also use other methods outside of Adobe Analytics, such as email, to communicate with users.

Communicate through panel or visualization descriptions

If you have a Workspace project shared among users in your organization, you can communicate the impact of an event through panel or visualization descriptions. Right-click a panel or visualization header, then select Edit description.

Panel description

Communicate through text visualizations

You can also communicate impact of an event through dedicated text visualizations. See Text visualizations in the Analyze user guide.

Text visualization

For any trended visualization in Workspace, you can add in a series that represents your impacted date range.

  1. Create a calculated metric with the ‘Affected days’ segment by following Exclude specific dates in analysis.

  2. Add the desired metric to calculated metric canvas.


  3. Add a title and description informing users of the impact. You can also tag this metric as a calendar annotation if desired.

    Title and description

  4. In a freeform table, add the ‘Day’ dimension. Add ‘Visits’ and your calculated metric as columns side-by-side.

    Freeform table

  5. Click the column settings gear icon for your calculated metric, and enable Interpret zero as no value.

    Calculated metric settings

  6. Add a Line visualization. Affected days are represented with a different color. Users can also click the ‘Info’ icon in the calculated metric for more information.

    Info icon

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