This document provides you with instructions on how to migrate any additional processing rules - beyond Lifecycle Metrics - that you created in the Mobile Services UI to Adobe Analytics.
Processing rules are used to move values from context data variables to props and eVars. For example, you could place the value of a “search-term” context data variable into the value of a Commerce Variable eVar and overwrite that value on every hit. Without processing rules, context data variables are meaningless and do not populate any reports in Analytics.
This document also shows you how to do mobile usage reporting in Analysis Workspace.
If you are leveraging Mobile Services for complimentary functionality such as processing rules and usage reporting features, you can seamlessly move to the Analytics UI (processing rules UI or Analysis Workspace) to accomplish these functions. For Lifecycle Metrics, or rules that were set up in the AA processing rules UI, you don’t have to do any migration. Lifecycle Metrics are “out-of-the-box” metrics that are automatically collected when the Mobile SDK is first implemented in your app.
However, if you set up any additional processing rules in the Mobile Services UI (beyond Lifecycle Metrics), you should migrate those over so that you can edit/delete them in Analytics after you lose access to Mobile Services.
Log in to
and go to Mobile Services.
Click the gear icon of a mobile app whose context variable mappings you want to migrate to Adobe Analytics .
Click the Manage Variables and Metrics menu item, then click the Custom Variables tab. Here, you can see which Context Variable mappings (context data) have been added to the configuration. Make a note of these configurations (or take a screenshot.) Example:
In Experience Cloud, switch to Adobe Analytics and make sure that you are in the same mobile report suite that you were looking at in Mobile Services.
Go to Admin > Report Suites > Edit Settings > General > Processing Rules.
Click Add Rule.
Ignore the conditions and proceed to add the same context variable/s that exist/s in Mobile Services.
Click Save.
In addition to mobile metrics and dimensions (if the report suite is enabled for Mobile Services), Analysis Workspace contains several Mobile project templates that can facilitate analysis:
Here is an excerpt of the Mobile App Usage template:
To access the templates:
and select Analytics.The following Mobile Services functionality also has ties into Adobe Analytics, but requires a purchased Adobe Analytics SKU:
If you are leveraging Mobile Services for paid functionality, you don’t have a viable migration path to other internal/external tools: