Anonymous Audience Activation blueprint

Last update: 2023-03-15
  • Created for:
  • Developer

Anonymous audience activation is the ability to target and personalize to audiences across web, mobile, and advertising channels based on anonymous device and behavioral data.

Use cases

  • Perform anonymous digital audience targeting and personalization on the website, mobile app, or on supported advertising channels.
  • Optimize landing page and pre-authentication experiences based on known device and behavioral characteristics.
  • Leverage the Audience Manager third party data network to further refine and expand your audiences for targeting.


  • Audience Manager
  • Real-time Customer Data Platform

Both Audience Manager and Real-time Customer Data Platform can be leveraged to power Anonymous Audience Activation for onsite and advertising destinations. Note that Real-time Customer Data Platform supports only a subset of advertising destinations with anonymous device identifiers as cataloged in the destinations documentation.

Microsoft Bing, Google DV360, and TradeDesk are the primary supported Real-time Customer Data Platform advertising destinations for anonymous device based targeting. Beyond these, Real-time Customer Data Platform supports numerous known customer based destinations as cataloged in the destinations documentation and as described in the Known Customer Activation blueprint.


Reference architecture for the Anonymous Audience Activation Blueprint

Implementation steps for Audience Manager

  • For details on implementing Audience Manager see the following documentation.

Implementation steps for Real-time Customer Data Platform

  • For implementation steps of Real-time Customer Data Platform see the following documentation.

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