For the best performance, Experience Cloud is optimized for the most popular browsers, including the latest version, plus the two previous versions.
If your browser is not listed, it may still be supported, but it is recommended that you use one of the listed browsers.
Not all applications running on Experience Cloud domain support all browsers. If you’re unsure, check the documentation of a specific application.
The Experience Cloud user interface is available in the following languages:
Additionally, locale-specific formatting (such as dates, times, calendars, numbers) may also be available in variants of the languages supported by the user interface:
To specify a default language
In Experience Cloud, click Profile > Preferences.
Under Profile, click the language link.
On Select language, select a language from the First language menu.
While all application teams are committed to global language support, not all applications are offered in all languages listed in the interface. If your primary language is not supported in an Experience Cloud application, you can set a secondary default language when applicable.
Click Save.