Frequently asked questions about Experience Cloud

Last update: 2024-09-30
  • Created for:
  • Experienced

Learn about browser support and common questions and answers for administrators in Experience Cloud.

 What browsers are supported in Experience Cloud?

Adobe supports the current and previous two versions of the following browsers:

  • Microsoft® Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera

Use of another browser is possible, but support is not guaranteed.


Not all applications running on Experience Cloud domain support all browsers. If you’re unsure, check the documentation of a specific application.

 What languages are supported?

Experience Cloud supports preferred languages for each user, as set in your Adobe user account preferences. Supported languages currently are:

  • Chinese
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Taiwanese

While application teams are committed to global language support, not all applications are offered in all languages noted above. If your primary language is not supported in an Experience Cloud application, you can also set a secondary language to default to when applicable. This can be done in Experience Cloud user preferences.

 Does Adobe charge my company for Adobe Experience Cloud access?

No. The Adobe Experience Cloud is included at no additional charge. However, certain core services might have additional costs.

 Why must my company sign in through the Experience Cloud interface?

The functionality provided by the Experience Cloud interface adds new value to your business. It also is the standard path for accessing applications going forward, eventually replacing other individual application login flows. Logging in through Experience Cloud facilitates a smoother transition later.

 How can Adobe access my Adobe cloud environment to troubleshoot an issue?

Adobe Customer Care can submit an impersonation request for which you receive an Adobe-branded email (example below) seeking your explicit authorization. The access is granted for a limited time. Once granted, the access can be revoked by you at any time. Adobe logs all actions taken by Adobe representatives.

Adobe Support Case

 What is "provisioning"?

Provisioning in Experience Cloud means:

  • Your users can begin logging in to the Experience Cloud and linking applications.
  • They can begin to use the features available through Experience Cloud, such as People.
  • You can become prepared to retire your application-specific login process.
  • You can retain access control to applications.
 How do I manage user preferences, notifications, and alerts?
 How do I manage product profiles and user account credentials?
 What can I do if someone cannot log in to Experience Cloud?

Admin Console administrators can grant access to users. Users are sent emails with sign-in instructions.

You might have to Contact Adobe Support to verify that your company has been fully provisioned.

 Where can a user go to manage account linking?

Some users might be required to link their application (Analytics) account to the Adobe ID or Enterprise ID.

See Link an application account to an Adobe ID.

 How do I manage user account profiles and organizations?

See Manage user accounts.

 What is an organization?

An organization is the entity that enables an administrator to configure groups and users, and to control single sign-on in Experience Cloud. The organization functions like a log-in company that spans all Experience Cloud products and applications. Most often, an organization is your company name. However, a company can have many organizations.

 Where can I find my IMS organization ID?

See View your organization ID for details.

 What should I do when one of my users leaves my company?

Their access should be removed from the application itself. They will not be able to access the product from Experience Cloud or through the direct login. You should also remove them at the Experience Cloud level.

 What is an Adobe ID?

See Identity Types.

 Can I link application accounts for my users?

No. Users must link their own applications with their user names and passwords.

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